|| Beats For You ||

583 13 7

Karl Pov

I and Y/n have been spending every day together for about 2 weeks now. My feelings are only growing stronger. Today I wanted to ask her if she was ready to get together. I really hope she says yes but even if she doesn't I will still wait. I had no idea how I was going to do it so I decided to call Jimmy and ask him what he thinks. 

"Hey, Karl what's up? I'm here with Chris, mind if I put you on speaker?" ~Jimmy

"Hey, yes that's fine. I was actually calling because I need help" ~ Karl

"Why what's wrong?" ~ Chris and Jimmy

"Well, I really want to ask Y/n if she wants to be my girlfriend but I'm scared she's not ready"  ~ Karl

"Why wouldn't she be ready? It's so PAINFULLY obvious how in love you two are" ~ Chris

"Yea Karl how bad could it go?" ~ Jimmy 

"Well one time she told me that she wanted to wair for a relationship until she is ready because of...um...reasons, anyway she also said that the more time she is with me the more she falls in love with me. I think she has been dropping hints that she is but I'm not sure and I don't want to mess anything up" ~ Karl

"Karl. Trust your gut. That's all I can say, we have to go but good luck man" ~ Chris

"Oh- okay? Thank you guys" ~ Karl

"No problem bud, bye" ~Jimmy


Maybe Chris is right. I need to just trust my gut. I'm going to ask her today...but how? I have never been good with this kind of thing. I thought about it and I think I will do it while we are playing Minecraft...I have a plan.

Sounds cheesy BUT it's perfect. 

Y/n Pov


I wake up from a long night with Karl. I am back at my house right now because I had stuff I needed to do. Today I had nothing going on so I decided to just stay in my pj's. I get up and walk to the kitchen for a monster. 

I have been thinking about if I'm ready or not. I keep asking myself "Are You Ready?". I used to be unsure of my answer but now I know. I want to be with Karl. I want to be able to kiss him, hold him, and share all those perfect moments but as a couple. 


I look at my phone and open the text. 

Karl <3



Hey handsome <3

Karl: how did you sleep? Are you busy today? Do you want to play Minecraft later?


I slept good! No, I am not, I just need to go to the store 

and yes I would love to play Minecraft today :D

Karl: OKAYYY just text me when you are ready! Bye! <3


Okay, Karl bye <3


I always get butterflies when Karl sends hearts or calls me beautiful. I haven't ever met someone before that shows me so much affection and treats me so well. When I'm with Karl time just stops, I feel like I could be with him until the end of time. Everything I am saying right now sounds so cheesy but I mean every single word of it. 

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