|| True Love...Right? ||

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Y/n Pov

I woke up and my head hurt a little from the traumatic events from last night. I couldn't even believe it, to be honest, it was so shocking and sudden. Now I realize I have Karl right beside me and I start smiling like an idiot. 

"Good Morning beautiful," Karl says in a raspy morning voice while rubbing his eye.

"Morning handsome," I say while smiling and playing with his hair. 

"So I was thinking we could just chill here today, y'know...after yesterday it's the best idea to just take it easy," Karl says. 

I nod my head and agree. We both got up and wanted to take a shower. We haven't seen each other like that before so we were both a tad nervous. We got in the shower and it was actually not awkward whatsoever. It was nice and relaxing. 

Hopping out of the shower I wrapped myself in a towel and so did Karl. We both got dressed and ran downstairs to my kitchen. Karl goes straight for the fridge and swings it open. He turns around dramatically and gasps.

"Y/N! How could you?" Karl shouts. 

"What Karl?" I say giggling and confused. 

"We have NO mOnsters!" He shouts back laughing. 

I roll my eyes as Karl runs upstairs and grabs two of his hoodies, one for me and one for him. Running down the stairs and back to me he almost trips and I start laughing like crazy. He gives me a funny look and throughs his hoodie at me and motions for me to put it on. 


We start walking to the gas station we would always go to. 

"This is really nice y/n," Karl says while grabbing my hand and swinging it back and forth. 

I give him a sweet smile and stop in the middle of the sidewalk. Karl stops with me and stares while tilting his head as if he was asking me what's going on. I give him a sly smile and kinda stand on the tips of my toes kissing him. Grabbing my waist Karl kisses me back. 

"I love you, Karl" 

"I love you more y/n" 

I scoff and roll my eyes. I start to giggle and run to the gas station. 

"Y/N YOU- UGHHH" Karl shouts as he runs after me giggling. 

Karl is a pretty fast runner so he catches me and makes me get on his back. I start to laugh as we still walk to the gas station. I lay my head on his shoulder and kiss his neck. I could tell he was blushing, he grabs me tighter so I wouldn't fall off of his back. 

(Time Skip)

We arrive back at my home with our white monsters, Karl and I always get the white one. I groan and sit on my bed, Karl coming in after me. 

"Y/n I have a question and I don't want you to say anything until after I ask. Would you like to live together? We could move in here since it's closer to everything and bigger?" Karl asks while really nervous.

I thought about it for a second. Was I this ready? What if this is just his plan, to make me trust him then hurt me. Like Brandon. Wait what the fuck, have you met Karl. He is not that person. I can clearly tell he loves me with all his heart, everyone always points out how hard he fell for me. 

"Karl of course!" I semi-shout while smiling.

Karl doesn't say anything. He just looks up at me with the biggest smile on his face, pulling me in super tight and picking me while spinning me. He giggles and puts me down. 

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