|| A Thousand Times Yes! ||

317 8 5

Karl Pov

I have been planning this moment for so long, Y/n has been the love of my life for the past 6 months. 

The greatest women. 

The prettiest face. 

The best personality. 

The most contagious laugh. 

The passion she has for the things she wants.

The love she has for me. 

The love I have for her. 

Just the most fucking greatest girl I have ever met. 

"Guys let's set up okay? Y/n is gonna be here in 4 hours" I tell Chris, Chandler, and Jimmy. I sent Y/n off to a salon so she can have a good day by herself, she thinks I'm taking her on a fancy date. She's gonna get a dress, her hair done, makeup, nails, whatever she wants. I kind of just gave her my credit card...well it was Jimmy's but he's okay with it. 

"Okay let's get started," Jimmy says, he then goes away to meet up with Y/n so she won't be that lonely, he then will bring her here. 

"Okay," Chris says. 

"Okie Dokie" Chandler responds. 

We are in a little white hut, in a park, it's white and sounded by water, you need to get a bridge to get on it. I start putting the table set together, not putting the food out yet. Then I place some yellow tinted fairy lights up around the fence line of the hut. 

Next Chandler places rose petals on the pathway onto the hut, over the water. Placing little mushroom lamps along with it as well, Y/n likes mushroom stuff, it's cute to her. Then we bring a bulletin board and hang it up. 

The bulletin board is filled with pictures of Y/n and me, after every special moment, we had. I decorated with some love notes she made me and I made her. I then put a line of fake pink roses around the edges just to give it some color. 

Chris gets all the food and puts it in a bin until Y/n gets closer and that's when we will place it out. 


After about 4 hours of putting stuff together, we place the food out and cover it with the fancy sliver covers. 

Y/n Pov (Before the four hours are over)

Today Karl sent me out to get all fancy because he has a date planned. Honestly, I don't mind it, I like to dress up every once and a while. It's funny. 

He told me I could just wear jeans if I wanted but it seemed like a big deal so I want to get fancy for him. He sent Jimmy along with me so I don't get lonely. I'm currently sitting in a chair getting a pedicure and manicure. 

"Hey, Jimmy can I ask you something?" I say. Jimmy is sitting next to me but not getting anything done. 

"Yeah go for it" He responds. 

"Do you think Karl would marry me?" I ask. He seemed to find it funny, not sure why. 

"I can't say for sure but I would place bets he would," He says smiling. 

"Really?" I ask. 

"Y/n why is it so hard for you to realize how much Karl loves you. He never shuts up about you, you know when we do videos and there need to be teams? He always asks for you. He's so crazy about you that he's afraid of doing the slightest thing wrong and messing up. He gets all jumpy when he talks about things you and he have done. Listen. Karl? That boy? Yeah, he loves you with all his heart, always has, always will," He finishes with a small smile. 

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