A Box

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Quickly, all three of them turned to face whatever had entered their safe haven. There he stood. "Dream." Ranboo said, his tail beginning to raise, and teeth beginning to bare. The mixed sounds of Micheal's wimpers and Dream's terrible cackles filled the air."How did you escape?!" Ranboo exclaimed angrily. "A little help from our god friend." He cackled. "Y-you need to leave. Now." Tommy said, his attempt to hide fear nearly failing. "Why would i leave? I am here to-" Dream began, cut off by the whistles of a god, moving slowly through the building. "Here Dreamy. You cant escape me forever~" The god cooed. They kept quiet, careful not to move. Even Micheal stop whimpering, as if he knew what would happen. Slowly, the whistles moved further. "As i was saying," Dream began. "I am here.. to help." Tubbo gasped. How could such a heartless creature decide that it wanted to aid another living thing? "And why would you want to help us?" Ranboo questioned, pulling Tommy behind him. "Yeah... Whats in it for you, Dream?" Tubbo asked. "Well if you must know," Dream taunted, inching closer to the four. Slowly he lifted up his sleeve. A giant cut reveals itself, ranging from just under his wrist, to below his elbow. But, it didnt bleed like a normal wound. It was.. Golden?

"God blood." Tubbo piped up, moving towards Dream to inspect the cut. "How did this happen?" He looked up at Dream, his eyes bloodshot and red. "Well, me and XD, we are one in the same. I am him, he is me." Dream explained, beginning to bandage his arm with the first aid kit. He hissed in pain, then continued bandaging. "That doesnt make any sense." Tommy said. "When we captured you, your blood was clearly red." "I know. See, DreamXD has a... Certain weapon. It made by gods, designed to kill gods. It is unattainable to mere humans. Not even hybrids." Dream sat on the ground, keeping his distance from them. "And sense we are one in the same, that weapon is incredibly dangerous to me." He said darkly. "But that makes it dangerous to him too!" Ranboo began. "That means if I can take that... Sword-thing.. I can kill him!" "No! I told you, you are not leaving!" Tubbo protested. "Actually, he's probably our best bet." Dream said, holding up a small box. It was oak wood, with words, enderman words, engraved into it. Ranboo could read it. "Contents belong to Dream, and should only be used if necessary." Ranboo took it, reluctantly, and opened it.

In it, was a box of contacts, which were a bright, vibrant purple, and a beautiful white flower which, even though already picked, blossomed like it had not been taken from its home. "The name is, quite misleading." Ranboo examined the items closly, looking for any clues that Dream could be a threat. "Why the contacts?" Tommy asked, peeking over Ranboo's shoulder. "Oh I know what they're for." Ranboo said, a hint of sadness looming in his voice. "But the flower is what I dont get." He said, beginning to take it off, placing it on his over-coat. "Thats for... protection. Against going into..." Dream cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, walk mode?" "Oh okay. Well that helps." Ranboo said. "But! If he needs you, and tries to send you into... walk mode... Then you'll begin to get a headache. A bad headache." Dream added.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Tubbo asked, fixing Ranboo's suit, brushing off the dust that had collected on him. This was day 3 of staying in that panic room, a dark and musty bedrock room, with a single redstone torch hung on the far wall. A used first aid kit was sat on the floor. "I'm sure. This might be the only way we escape." Ranboo reassured Tubbo, kissing his forehead. "I still dont understand what 'walk mode' is. I dont like secrets." Tommy mumbled, angry about the things he cant know. "Plus, him being here doesnt make it better." He added, motioning towards Dream. Micheal ran up to Ranboo and hugged his leg tightly. "I gotta go buddy." Ranboo said, in response to the childs fear. "I'll be back soon."

Their Panic Room (A Ranboo Fanfic) ✨Where stories live. Discover now