A God Amongst Mortals

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(T.W. blood and mention of death)

Ranboo left the room, making sure his body was loose enough to seem believable. "Enderwalk mode. You are in Enderwalk mode." He repeated to himself. The rooms were earily quiet. It was like the silence before the storm. Ranboo had a knot in his stomache. The sounds of his shoes echoed throughout the walls. He could see splats of blood, some of it seemed dry and old. Some of it, though, was bright and wet. It was recent. He stopped in front of a photo that was hung high up in the main room. Him, Tubbo and Michael were in it. Technoblade sat behind Ranboo, his hand resting on the enderman's shoulder. Philza was sat near Tubbo, large, black wings resting behind him. The wings, they seemed real. Ranboo reached out his hand to touch them. One of them stuck to his hand, a sticky, red substance sticking the feather to itself. It was one of Phil's feathers. Something was wrong.

"Oh, hello there." A voice behind him said, eerily, yet subtle. Ranboo quickly turned around. Looking at him made him sick. XD stood there, his arms to his side in a relaxed position. "I don't remember summoning you..." The god said in a suspicious tone. Six large, pale white wings were arranged in a harmonic pattern out to his side. His long, oversized robe fell beautifully to the ground, like a wedding dress. He floated freely, like a cloud, hovering permanently above the ground. His face was blocked out, a white plastered mask in its place. A sickly smile painted permanently accross it, with the letters "XD" where the eyes would be otherwise.

Ranboo stood looking at him, frozen in fear. He tried to swallow, but he couldn't. He couldn't speak or move. Frozen like a statue, posing majestically yet stuck. Many would come to admire the beauty of such a peice. A sigh broke the silence. "State your mission." XD said in an annoyed tone. Ranboo struggling to come up with something finally spits out, "Find survivors." The god stared at him, seeming to think of what to do with the awkward standing enderman. "It'll be good to have help." XD said, motioning Ranboo to follow.

They began to walk, a silence setting in, only interrupted by the sounds of Ranboo's shoes against the ground. DreamXD flew next to him, his green and black robes whipping beautifully, like the tail feathers of a peacock. "Most of my prey has escaped," the god began. "I've gotten some... Trinkets... From these mortals here. There are some that I refuse to harm." Ranboo waited for him to add more, but he stayed quiet, his mask face shifting from a petrifying smile to a resting face. "Well c'mon," he began. "we have pray to hunt."

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