July 4th 1975, (My 8th Birthday

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Today is my eigth birthday, my uncle Matty gave me this book, he mailed it to me, along with this letter.

'Dear Daniel,

I think you'd find this book interesting I found it in one of the horse stalls, at first I couldn't believe what I was reading, but as I read it I was getting flashes of the events like I was there, one things for sure it worked, and we have a lot instore for us I just wish we would have clued Hunter in again we forgot to do that, I know this because you would have wrote it. Make sure you read this whole book befor you come because I have a bad feeling one of those events will happen when you come next week. Can't wait to see you. Matty.

P.S. Don't show this book to anyone lets keep it between us.'

At first I didn't understand what he was saying, than after I read the book, I felt like he did, it was so weird, mom almost read it yesterday, she was picking out my cloths for the trip, I hid it with my shirts, well when she picked up the shirts it fell luckily I was in the room, I grabed it out of her hand, she just chukled. "Danny I didn't know you kept a diary, its okay sweaty I wont read it, why don't we go to the hardware store today when I'm done packing and get a lock put on it."

So that's just what we did the guys name was Porter, I wish I knew what the pirate Porter looked like. I told mom something was wrong with my lock so she let me go back by myself, I showed him the letter the pirate wrote he stared at it for a long time as if he was trying to figure out how I got it. "Where did you get this?" Porter asked "I found it."

"Your probly wondering if I remember, well I do, I don't know how you boys did it but I guess my theory was right, now Dan do not show anyone else, it might alter things, I think it was okay you showed me but please keep it between you and Matty at least once you know for sure you stopped the outcome of you getting stuck in that place again. Its getting late let me lock up and I'll give you a ride home." I helped Porter lock up he drove me home Mom was worried she sent me to my room, later she came in to tell me dinner was ready than she gave me a lecture on how dangerous it was for me to get in his car I didn't argue that I knew it was safe I just said, "I know, its just.. this guy was following me and Mr. Porter saw, so he offered to take me home, he saw the man follow me in the store and he didn't leave till Porter told him he was closeing than we saw the guy standing on the corner across the street so that's why he drove me home but next time I'll just ask to use the phone to call you."

I hatted lying, like I said in this book before I'm not good at it but shockingly I was tonight. "I'm sorry Danny if I knew I wouldn't have sent you to your room, I'm going to write Mr. Porter a letter thanking him, tomarrow I want you to go with your dad to the shop and give it to him." So as you know I had to write him one to telling him why she's thanking him. Lights out, mom had them cut the electric because we're leaving tomarrow and we'll be gone for the whole summer, nothing in the fridge, we're eating out tomarrow for brunch.

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