Dec. 23rd 1975

3 1 0

Sorry I stopped writing for so long but I just haven't had time. Christmas is almost here.

Your probly wondering if anything interesting has happened, well not yet, we're still hanging out with Ace and his friends, three new comers started yesterday Boon, Carson, and Tom we showed them this book they said it was true that they're under cover.

So thats what happened so far, oh ya Boomer and Matty got into a huge fight again, this time Ace wasn't around it was just the three of us I'm not sure why Boomer got so mad, but luckly Carson came in right before Boomer knocked the wind out of Matty and turned to me, Boomer was so mad he never saw Carson come up behind me, when Boomer tried to swing at me Carson pulled me out of the way and Boomer's fist met the stone wall man did he scream and curse Boon and Tom came in by than Boon took a look at Boomer's hand and he bandaged it up. The whole time Boomer was cussing under his breath, when Ace came in he asked what happened Matty told him, Ace calmly took Boomer out side, I snuck behind to see what he was going to do, plus the guys told me to, anyhow this is what happened. I was hidding under the bush Ace was not yelling or lecturing Boomer he was congratulating him this is what he said. "You did good but next time make sure Tom, Boon and Carson Don't come in, lock the door, now I want you to act like I gave you this big lecture on not hurting those boys and apoligize to Matty." I don't get it when my older self wrote about Ace he made it sound like he was nice until the day Boomer tried to kill the cop, unless we just never spyed on them so we never realy knew how mean or not Ace was. Well Boomer did as he was told. They shook hands. When we got home I told Matty, Tom, Carson and Boon what happened.

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