July 5th 1975 (On the Airplane)

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As you can see I'm trying to keep it like I did in the 1980's, man its weird I'm going backwards to get forwards but knowing me in about a few days I won't write onless something important happens I'm not realy focused for writing yet. Like now I don't know what to write about I'll just start when we get to Matty's.

Plane Landed in Egypt

Matty and grandma was there to greet us me and Matty walked behind so we could talk I told him about Porter he was a little upset that I told Porter and yet a bit amazed Porter knew already. You know Matty's thirteen like he was when those convics came so I wander if it was during this summer vist, because we're not coming back till next summer than I'll be nine, and Matty fourteen I don't think I'm ready for this. Matty said he's been putting food out for Hunter but no sign of him what if somthing happened and he got stuck in that world. I asked Matty he said "that couldn't happen the one stuck in that world is the future him the one in the past should still be here, who knows maybe the future us are still there waiting for us to fix what happened." I just hope he's right because from what I read both time it was because of Hunter any of us survived.

At the Ranch

When we got there myself and Matty jumped out, I wanted to see Spirit we raced to the back yard and were about to head to the stable when we stopped in shock, "the swing set." We said stairing at each other Grandpa came out of the tool shed, "Hay there boys you like it, I figured since Danny's gonna be here till the end of this school year and you boys kept begging me to build one so I thought what better than now for Danny's birthday."

Dan: "Thanks Grandpa!"

Matty: "Thank you dad!"

We both said as we gave him a hug.

Well we played on it all day, mom and dad went to the dig sight, Grandpa went in town but nothing happened Grandma sat on the pourch swing reading her bible, me and Matty are camping out in the tree house, Grandpa is home now, I don't know why I never wrote about the tree house its so cool we have a TV, and radio we're wathcing the news to see if any convics excapted, no news yet maybe this time it wont happen.

You wouldn't Believe It

Remember the convics, well it happened but instead of them going to the house they came to us, they must have saw the light in the tree house, they have us locked in a storage room, so much for Hunter he never came I'm just glad Ma and Pa are okay, now as for us how are we going to get out of here. I wander if future me is reading this, if you are, tell me, how do we get out of this.

"Danny I don't think it works that way, besides I don't think it will help if it changed once it could again."

Great those guys are back the one guy seems fimilar like I know him but how.

"Jason take those boys some food and see if they need to use the bathroom." Now of course the guy didn't say it like that but you got the idea, that guy I think he's aunt Emma's new ex husband and I just realized where we are we're at the mind you know the one Indy's dad died I bet Jason has something to do with it but if I stop him his boys will have no one but I don't want my uncle to die what do I do.

That's right it was two years back when I was twelve that he died so Jason wouldn't have anything to do with it and maybe its not him but I wander if its his friend you know the one who followed us, maybe... Nope not him the fimialar one wasn't the guy they call Jason maybe aunt Emma and my uncle will get into a fight and get a divorce instead of him dying, I remember when aunt Emma would call she was saying she wanted to leave him .... Where did that come from I'm marking this page maybe three years from now it will come in handy, now back to making our escape there is a window, I just saw someone walk by he must have noticed something because he came back.

We're out. You'll never Guess how

It was Ace he helped us escape we called the cops and told them where to find those guys. As we were walking to Ace's hide out we found Hunter, his foot was caught in a snare, that's why he couldn't help us but how, its as if someone is changing the events and almost making them worse, maybe I should toss this book in the fire and start fresh, but than yet like I wrote before I'm like a recorder I'll never forget whats in this book so that most likely wont work.

Ace's hide out is cool he has a lot of video games his brother Boomer isn't acting like the Boomer twelve year old me wrote about, we stoped at his hide out because he said it was on the way back to our place and he wanted to see if Boomer was there.

I just found out why Boomer was there because of their step father he was beating on him, maybe that's what made him so angry when he gets older. Plus I'm guessing my older self and Matty didn't meet them till they were older... Oh boy I just went back through the book, we did meet them now at this age, now maybe it wasn't supose to be in this way, but now it was, cause I wrote that Matty was fourteen when they met and well that's how old he is now, this day just keeps getting better and better what next we sneek out... Nope that's next year.

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