Prologue - Death, and Resurrection, of a Great Ship

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Andromeda was safe.

That was Apollo Norm's only thought as he felt himself get dragged into the colossal structure that was the Ark of Destruction.

Try as he might, his engines were just not powerful enough to allow him to escape the gravity of the Ark, especially after he had spent a lot of energy pushing Andromeda out of harm's way.

Looking up, he could see said ship making her way to safety, trails of smoke coming from the many wounds she had accumulated throughout the Battle of Saturn, it was a wonder she was still operational.

With a small sigh and a sad smile, he turned away from the fleeing space battleship and focused on his ship, and the crew inside it.

Alarms blared throughout the entire ship, flashing red lights illuminated the hallways, Apollo Norm could see most of his crew running around and panicking, some weeping, some embracing one another as they awaited the inevitable end, but almost all of them were singing.

It took Apollo Norm a few seconds to recognize the song they were singing so proudly, it was one of the most well known tunes of the Cosmo navy, The Galactic Pilot.

He chuckled internally as he looked around more rooms, just so he could get one last good glimpse of everyone who was serving on him.

He looked inside the engine room and, to his utter shock, saw that the wave motion engine had pretty much completely melted, it looked as if it would explode at any second.

That probably explains why I can't get myself out of here...

He turned his attention to the bridge and saw that most of the crew there were calm, some even looked happy.

Apollo Norm did a double take and looked closer at them, and saw that they were all saluting Andromeda as she pulled away, not an ounce of fear or regret in their eyes.

It seemed as if they were proud of their actions, hell, Apollo Norm was proud of what they did.

He once again looked out and focused on the rapidly shrinking figure of the Andromeda, wishing that he had the ability to salute her as well.

Suddenly, an explosion ripped through his starboard side, the blue flames nearly engulfing the entire right side of the ship as he descended into the Ark.

He saw that several of the crew on the bridge had fallen over due to the blast, but those who didn't continued to salute.

Apollo Norm smiled as he shed a single tear.

Guess this is it huh?

He closed his eyes as he felt more explosions rip through the once great battle-carrier, darkness flooding his vision soon after.


"You cannot give up just yet...Apollo Norm! Stay...wait wrong franchise..."

Apollo Norm jerked his eyes open and looked around for whoever was speaking, his eyes almost immediately landed on a man a few feet in front of him.

He had brown hair that went down to his neck, sideburns that extended to the base of his jaw, and a tuft of hair that laid in between his nose and his right eye, said eyes were light black, almost grey.

He was wearing a pair of dark scarlet trousers, with an undershirt of the same color, his feet were clad in brown boots, he was also wearing a black coat, which had light gray cuffs and orange inner lining.

To top it off, he also had two belts, one to hold up his pants and one to hold his pistol, a white scarf which was tied to look like a...well, tie, and a white officers cap with a black brim.

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