Canceled...For Now

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Sup dudes, its been a bit...Queen died, Russia is getting is ass kicked by Ukraine, Musashi is now in Azur Lane. It has certainly been one of the years of all time.

Now, I know my choice of title is concerning to y'all, but I got an explanation:

This story is canceled. Gone. I didn't like the way it was going, it followed in the tracks of many, MANY crappy AL fanfics that adhere to the "Male kansen is stupidly OP" trope. And generally, I didn't feel that it was the best I could make it.

But never fear! Just because THIS story is canceled, doesn't mean the idea is gone.

I do fully plan to write another story based on SBY x AL, just with better quality.

I return to writing with over a year of study under my wing, mainly from observing the writers on AO3.

I'm not going to spoil anything specific, but this upcoming story of mine will be kind of reminiscent of Marvel's cinematic universe in a way.

Here's to a better AL story from me!

- Captain Calcium

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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