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Ok, so I haven't posted a new chapter in a long time, so I decided that yall should have an explanation as to why:

Disclaimer, in case any of you are wondering, no, I am not dropping this story.

Basically, I'm too caught up with school right now to do much besides schoolwork, and it doesn't help that I'm in marching band as well.

I also have a job that takes up most of my scarce free time.

So needless to say, I don't have much time to sit down and write.

Recently, I scored high on the severe depression test, and as some of you may know, depression can cause quite a lack of energy and motivation.

I also most likely have ADHD, which doesn't help me in the slightest with the fact that it makes me lose focus extremely easily.

And anytime I do manage to get a few sentences down, my perfectionist self will think that they're not good enough, and that I need to do it over again.

So, in a nutshell, school, band, and work take up most of my time now, possible depression and ADHD make it so I hardly have any motivation to do anything, much less write when I do have time, and perfectionism makes it so anything I actually get down gets trashed nigh immediately.

I am terribly sorry if this isn't the chapter that you expected, I just haven't been able to do much of anything in the realm of writing.

Hopefully I'll get some time whenever fall break rolls around.

So again, I'm sorry, but it's almost impossible to get a chapter out at this exact moment in time.

This Time, I Shall Protect Humanity...Preferably Without DyingWhere stories live. Discover now