First Day

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1. Your OC is just joining Ouran and is lost in the layout of the school, and runs into one of my OCs, or vice versa.

2. You just met the host club! What are your OC's first impressions of everyone?

3. Your OC has a meet cute with their crush! Who is it and is it crush-at-first-sight?

4. Comment your own idea!

OC Specific prompts: Their First Day

Kyoko: The host club had been told something was going to change on Monday. Some of the members wondered what kind of change it would be. Would it be something cut due to the budget? Would they have to use the club room for less time?

The change in fact ended up being in the form of a girl that had been sitting on one of the loveseats when they entered the club room that morning. Her standing up straight and curtsying politely when they all arrived, Kyoya motioned to her as he introduced her.

"Everyone, meet the club's new secretary, my sister Kyoko."

Mitsuki: Today was a big day for the oldest Iwata child. She had made it into Ouran Academy, and was now going to start her first day as a third year there. The uniform was a little modest for her liking, but she made do with it by still wearing her usual accessories: the rings on her pinky fingers and some bracelets on her right wrist. One of them being a specific bracelet she matched with the school's "Natural Type", though she wasn't aware of Haruhi being a host just yet.

"Haruhiiii, isn't it exciting?" She said happily as she looked up at the school from where they stood by the entrance. "It sucks you're younger than me so we're not in the same class, but we can have lunch together, agepoyo!" She said happily as she hugged her shorter friend.

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