the 'new' guests.

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dewy's pov

'whatever.. anyways why did you wake me up?' as she question the lemon leaf

 ( known as one of her step sisters-)

'well, we have some guests coming over. and hey they might be some of your old friends!-'

i sigh as hearing that new people are coming over even though i never seen my friends in quite some time, but we been having fights over things so we needed some time apart. and i do miss them, but.. like i said we need some alone time so i won't worry to much..

then as the lemon leaf had continue her phase, something made me upset..

'-plus your friends is coming over!'

god damn it.. not them, last time i was with them, they almost burned me alive or well they would get hurt they was playing around with the acid or being their crazy selves.. they always acted such as a child or odd. and i never wanted to be hurt like the first time by fire.. that hurt so much. i had brain damage.. and besides we stop being friends because of that one of them dropped it (the acid) on one of my sister's friends which was painful to watch, but then again i keep remembering those fun/good times with them. *sigh* i guess i just stay in my room for this day when those guest are over, i hate meeting new people now these days.. even if my "friends" is coming over.

then i ask my sister.. 'when are they coming over..?'

she smiled and responded 'at 4 pm'.. great how lovely to hear that.. that hour is where i have time to myself! and now i will have to miss it because some stupid people are coming over..

the lemon leaf spoke again 'cya at 4 sis!' heh, still same old happy leafy.. 'you too lil sis' then  leafy was a little mad for me calling her a young but she is the littlest in the family. then she gasp said in a sarcastic voice 'hoW dAre U!' i chuckled. then i reply 'yeah, yeah just go.'  'K! i be outside with my friends, just call me if you need something' she said, 'alright now leave.' i said back at her. then she nodded and left the room.

finally at last peace.. hm, better go look around. eh.. never mind i'm lazy to get up. she thought to herself while sitting up straight. 'i guess i could just play some video games while i'm already here.' so she grab the controller and turned it on with the tv. then she started to play some video games.

.time skip

i look at the clock, damn.. its already 4. wait that means the guest are coming over any minute! 'sh*t!' i said quickly because i haven't clean up my room and the gaming room yet so i got up as fast as i can and just straight up started to clean as fast, as i could. once i was done cleaning i was very tired then i heard the door bell then i stop and ran over to the door saying i'm coming!- then i tripped over the carpet while opening the door 'god damn it!-' crash  'ow..' i said then some people ( well 2 ppl rn/so far- ) 'a-are you okay?.' the unknown person said. 'yeah, yeah i'm fine.' i reply to the unknown person as getting up and once i looked at them, they were leafy's friends. one a taco and other a teardrop. then i say 'you must be my sister leafy friends?'  then the unknown person reply 'woah! she has siblings?, well my name is taco and this is teardrop. she can't speak..' as she said teardrop's name she pointed at her and then teardrop waved at me. 'yeah she does and nice to meet you both, come in. we can wait for the others -i think-'

leafy's pov

wow! i can't wait to meet some of my friends at my house and my sisters friends as well, she is the only one living with me at our family's house because our other siblings are way to busy to live here back at home. 'hoi leofy!' i looked behind me to see my good friends bubble and ruby. 'hello bubble and ruby!' 'heya leafy' ruby said. then i ask 'are you guys coming over at my house? then ruby said 'yeah we are! and everyone that was in bfb (that were in the final 14/15?) is coming over as well.'  then i said being all very happy 'yay! more people the better!' oh, i can't wait to see my best friends! 'well lets get going to my house!' i said and they agreed, and then followed me to my house.

.time skip.

we got to my house and heard ' i'm coming!!' then once the door opened and once i saw my sister i tackle hug her! 'woah! sister calm down!!' she said almost falling down. then bubble said 'leofy, you have a sister?' i reply 'yes, i do have a sister!' then dewy reply 'actually she has 5 more siblings.' ruby and bubble were shocked to see me have so many siblings. then ruby said 'woah! no way having 6 siblings that's a lot.' i giggled 'yeah, now lets get inside' then dewy said 'yeah, your other friends taco and teardrop are waiting inside.'  i was happier that i heard those names 'wow they are already inside?' then my sister reply 'yeah. lets go' then they all went inside to the others and we talked together expect dewy and teardrop.

.time skip.

dewy's pov

it's been a few minutes and all of leafy's friends and 1 or 2 of my friends came over. I felt bored till I heard a knocking sound. I didn't feel like opening the door since I been doing that the most today.. but as I was thinking leafy stand up and went to open the door, once she was done. she came back into the room with the new people.. and one of them caught my attention..

I was a bit nervous when seeing them.. I whisper to myself. 'no.. it can't be him..' I felt like I wanted to cry as I saw my -best- friend talking with the others..

jeez! this chapter was very long (well kinda-) and I'm tired :'D  anyways I hope you like this chapter!word count: 1080

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jeez! this chapter was very long (well kinda-) and I'm tired :'D  anyways I hope you like this chapter!
word count: 1080

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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