2. Triggers

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Daniel's POV
I got a call from Riley's therapist again
"Good morning Daniel"
"Good morning Katie"
"So since it is the weekend I figured we could explore Riley's triggers a little more. Do you think you and Josh could bring Riley in to my office today?"
"Yeah we can. Do you need both of us or just one of us?"
"I would prefer both because her triggers might be different between the 2 of you. And I want to have most of her triggers figured out before school starts after this weekend."
"Alright I'll let Josh know"
I hung up the phone and told my wife what was going on. Then I called Josh.
"Katie wants us to take Riley to her office so we can figure out her triggers into AG."
"Okay what time do we need to head over there?"
"Probably as soon as possible since we don't know how long it'll take."
"Alright I'll head over to your house now"
I hung up the phone and went to wake up Riley.
After Riley was up we waited for Josh.
"Why do I have to go see her today?"
"Well since me and Josh and going to be taking care of you we need to know what's going on with you."
"But normally our sessions only last an hour, not a whole day." Riley said confused
"We just wanted to be safe, make sure we cover everything, you know. Plus we don't want to rush you into really opening up to us so we are also going to get to know each other better."
"What's with all the bags then."
"Oh these are just toys I'm going to give to Josh for his kids since mine are a little bit older then his."
I hated lying to her. But Katie said not to tell her about her AG because then she could force herself to almost never go into it. At least she said to wait to tell her.
Josh arrived a short time later. And we all got into his car and drove to Katie's office. When we got there Katie took us to a big office with couches and plenty of space.
"Hi Riley how are you feeling today?"
"I'm okay miss.Katie how are you?"
"I'm doing alright."
Riley went and sat down on the couch while me and Josh talked to Katie. Our plan was to see if Riley took any interest in the toys, if she didn't we were going to give her milk in a Sippy cup and see if that did anything. Part of her getting to play with the toys was trying to get her bored. And sure enough I glanced over at her and she was pushing a toy school bus back and forth but it didn't look like she was getting any littler.
"Hey Riley do you want a glass of milk or juice while Josh Daniel and I finish up chatting before we talk with you?" Katie said as Riley looked up from the school bus.
"What kind of juice do you have, do you have apple?"
"Of course. Unfortunately the only thing I have that you can use to drink out of is a Sippy cup. Is that okay?"
"Yeah that's fine I don't care" Riley said chuckling
We gave her the Sippy cup and acted like we were filling out paperwork.

Riley's POV
I don't know what is taking so long. I guess they have to fill out paperwork. They gave me a Sippy cup of apple juice, it's kinda weird but whatever it's not that big of a deal. I started drinking the apple juice and I started getting this bubbly feeling in my stomach. It was kinda like the feeling when you get excited. It was kinda fun to drink from a Sippy cup it made a cool sound when you stopped drinking from it. Soon I was out of juice, but I wanted more.
"Da- Daniel can you ask her from more juice?" I whispered in his ear.
Did I almost call him dad? I thought to myself. Good thing I caught myself before I did. I don't think he noticed though. He handed me the Sippy cup with juice in it again. I laid back on the couch and started drinking from the Sippy cup again. I picked up the school bus I was messing with earlier and pushed it along the couch. I was starting to feel more bubbly and kinda giddy. I moved the school bus from the couch and finished my juice again. I sat up and tapped Daniel on the shoulder. I wanted to say can I have some more juice but all that came out was...
"Ju ju?"
Daniel looked a little confused but I think he understood what I was saying.
"No more juice Ri. You've had enough from now." He said taking the Sippy cup. Josh and Katie glanced up at me and then continued with whatever they were doing. I saw the juice container on her desk so I got up and grabbed my Sippy cup and started crawling to her desk. Normally I'd just walk but for some reason I couldn't remember how to walk. I was almost to the desk when someone picked me up.
"Where do you think your going?"

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