The talk.

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Daniel's POV
It's finally Saturday and Riley had a pretty good week other than Monday. Unfortunately I got a call from Josh that his family was moving away to move closer to his wife's family and that he wouldn't be able to help at least in person with Riley. He said he would still call and check in with her and come back and visit her sometimes. I knew Riley was upset about it, she felt like she lost another person she loved. But we made sure she knew he would still be there for her, just not as much in person.

Ever since then she has been really clingy with me. To the point that she gets upset if I'm giving my baby attention or my wife. Abby has been really nice to her, and her and Riley get along really well. But Riley doesn't know or trust her like she does with me for some reason.
They have gone on plenty of days away together to try and improve their relationship. Typically they spend Saturday's together since that's when I normally have to go to the police station and talk about her aunt and uncle and the stages of being put in prison are.

Unfortunately Riley is going to have to speak at the trail since she is the only witness from the beatings and abuse that her aunt and uncle did to her. I know it's going to be hard for her. Me and Kate have been in constant communication with the people who will be in the court room with Riley current condition, and how she acts.

Thankfully they have agreed to let me sit on the podium with her, as long as I wear a wire so they can listen to anything I will say to make sure I don't tell her to say something. Of course I would never tell her to lie, but I understand why they have to do the whole wire thing.

As of now the trail is set for next week on Wednesday. I have already let the school know what was going on and her teacher. I was thinking that we would go to the trail on Wednesday and then take a family trip Thursday-Sunday. And pending how the trail goes, hopefully her aunt and uncle don't regain custody of her and they have to stay in jail for awhile. We can start the adoption process. I would hate to send her into foster care. Kate said that pending the trail we would get a chance to foster and then hopefully adopt her since she put a recommendation in that she stay with us since we know how to treat her AG.

It was time that me and Riley had a sit down talk about what was going on with her aunt and uncle. I have been hiding it from her since I knew how scared she was of seeing them again. Especially since she faintly remembers seeing them at the police station back when she first came to me. But it was time.

Riley's POV

"Ri, can I come in?" Daniel asked knocking on the door.
"Yeah" I said sitting up on my bed.
Daniel came in and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Ri, I think it's time we had the talk about your aunt and uncle and what is going on with them." Daniel said look up at me.

I felt my body tense up, I had forgotten about the fact I might have to see them again, live with them again. I just had in my head I'd never have to see them again.

"Okay" I said fidgeting with my hands.
"So, I've been talking with our lawyers, and the judge. And in order to convict your aunt and uncle, and make them go to prison. You need to speak at the trail." Daniel said.
"I don't understand. What trail? What do you mean convict?" I asked confused.
"Okay, so a trial is like a big meeting and the judge has to decide if your aunt and uncle really did what they did to you or not. Our lawyer is someone who is going to help prove they did hurt you. But you need to speak at the trial and say what they did to you, said to you, how they made you feel." Daniel said.
"But why do we have to prove they did what they did. Are they lying about it?" I asked confused as to why we had to have a trial about something that we know they did.
"Yes, they are saying that didn't do it." Daniel said fully sitting on my bed and facing me.
"Do I have to see them, or do I just talk to the judge in a room like kates." I asked.
"So there is going to be this big court room. Probably the size of our whole main level of the house. And the judge, me, you, and a bunch of other people will be in there." Daniel said
"Are my aunt and uncle going to be there?" I asked worried that I would see them.
"Ri, it's okay, okay?" Daniel said confusing me.
"Yes they are going to be there, and they will be telling their side of the story as well."
"No, no, no. I- I don't want to see them. They will hurt me! Please don't make me!" I said panicking.
"Ri calm down." Daniel said grabbing my hand.
"It's okay. I will be with you the enter time, they won't touch you. I promise. I'll be with you the whole time even when you have to talk."
"What happens if the judge thinks they are telling the truth." I asked
"Well, I don't know. We will talk about that if it happens. But for now, we need to focus on what you are going to stay at the trail. And teach you how to answer questions that they might ask." Daniel said
I was scared. I didn't want to see them again.
"Daddy I'm scared." I said tearing up.
I didn't care that I called him daddy, I wanted him to be my daddy. I've just been super embarrassed about it.
"It's okay. Come here." Daddy said as I crawled into his lap and burrowed my face into his chest.
He rocked me back and forth and Soothed me.

I felt safe in his arms. Like no one could hurt me. He was my daddy.

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