I want a daddy again.

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Daniel's POV
I woke up at 5:30 this morning since we have to leave the house at 7:15 and I want to be ready before I have to wake up Riley at 6:30. I don't think it will take her that long to get ready for school but I have no idea if she will go into little space or not.

Riley's POV
I woke up a little earlier then when Daniel said. Last night Daniel laid with me until I fell asleep like my dad would when I couldn't sleep. I really like Daniel and Josh, I feel like I'm really starting to look at them as dads. Of course no one will replace my real dad but I feel like I am loved by them and that will always be there for me when I need them.
*rileys door opens*
"Ri it's time to get up" Daniel said coming over to my bed.
I stretched my arms out to him and he picked me up. I don't know why but I feel really young and like I need to be held.
"Let's go get you some food" Da da cooed at me as he put me on his hip and walked out of my room.
Da da gave me Cheerios and some milk in a Sippy cup.
"Where's ja ja?"
"Ja ja will be at school today you can say hi to him then okay" Daniel said tickling me
He sat me on his lap since they didn't have a high chair for me. After I eat Daniel took me back to my room and got clothes for me to change.
"Okay ri I'll be right outside when you are done changing."
As I was getting changed I started to feel more my age again.
"Daniel I'm ready to go" I called out as I left my room with my bag.
He looked up from his chair and smiled.
"Okay I'll go start the car. Make sure you have everything you need."
I got in the car at 7:10 and we pulled out of the driveway.
*time jump to lunch*

Josh's POV
I talked to Daniel and he said Riley had already gone into head space this morning and was wondering where I was.
I saw her at lunch with all of her friends. I wanted to go say hi to her but I didn't want to put her in little space around her friends so I decided I'd wait till after school.
*after school*
I was cleaning my room up when I heard my door open and I looked up to see Riley running towards me and Daniel shutting the door behind him. She jumped in my arms and wrapped her little legs around my waist. I first I thought she was excited but instead she was crying into my shoulder. I look over at Daniel confused as to what happened. He sighed and pointed to his head signaling she was in her head space...I think.
"Baby what happened?" I said rocking her back and forth.
"Some kids in my class made fun of me" she said crying.
She clearly wasn't in her head space but she was getting close.
"Why did they do?"
"I was talking about all the stuff me you and Daniel did together. And they started making fun of me because my parents died and that I'll never have a dad again and that I don't belong in a family anymore" Riley said as she started crying harder.
I quickly got a bottle and filled it with juice to try and force her into head space. I sat down and cradled her like a baby and tried to calm her down.
"Shh sh sh it okay baby. You want some juice!" I said trying to take her mind off of it.
"I want a daddy" Riley cried out.
"I know I know ri" I said forcing the bottle into her mouth.
After about an hour and a half she finally fell asleep.
"Why did it take so long to get her in little space she's going to remember what happened and everything they said for good now." I said frustrated.
"I know I was trying to get her in little space for 10 minutes before I brought her in here because she wanted to see you so I thought maybe it would help." Daniel said
"I'll call Kate."
*on the phone*
"Look to reason why it took so long for her to go into little space is because that topic is the root of the trauma"
"What do you mean the root of the trauma? I thought the whole point of getting her into little space is so she wouldn't have to deal with all the trauma?"
"And you are right. The only problem is that is the accident is talked about in a negative light and she isn't in little space it's going to cloud her brain. Almost like a ptsd attack. But instead of seeing everything and feeling like she is back in the moment she feels all the emotions she felt in that night. All the sadness, anger, fear, hopelessness and helplessness."
"So like an extreme emotional break down."
"Exactly. All I can tell you to do is make her feel like she belongs, convince her to convince herself there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that her life IS going to turn around and the accident is going to make her a brighter better person."
"Okay. Thanks again kate."
*josh hangs up phone*

Riley's POV
I woke up not knowing where I was. The room was very dark. Normally I sleep with a night light so I can see. My eyes started adjusting to the dark and I slowly was able to see but it was still very dark. I looked over to my closet and I saw an arm hanging out of the closet.

Daniel's POV
"DANIEL!" DADDY!" I heard Riley cry out.
I stopped in the hallway. Did she just say what I think she said?
"DADDY!" Riley cried out again.
I smiled a little as I quickly walked the rest of the way to her room.
I opened her door and went over to her bed.
"Ri what's wrong?"
Riley pointed to her closet.
"Aw it's okay ri, let me turn on the light so we can see what it is."
I turned on the light and opened her closet and a coat fell out.
I put the coat back in the closet and shut the door and turned the light back off.
"There that's better isn't it ri?" I kissed her forehead before turning to leave the room.
"Wait daddy! Can you lay with me?"
I smiled before turning around and heading back to her bed.
"Only until you fell asleep." I said getting into the bed next to her.

After about 30 minutes Riley fell back asleep. I slowly got out of the bed and tucked her back in before going back to bed with my wife. I wonder if Riley will remember she called me daddy. Regardless if she does, I'll still look at her as my daughter.

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