Chapter Eleven-Yuki

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"Hey, uh, Yuki, do you maybe wanna, maybe go to a, uh, ballroom dancing lesson, with me, uh, maybe?"she asks me, blushing heavily."Oh, sure, Ms. Haruo, I would love to take the lesson with you.""Good, becaue I bought a dress for me and a tuxedo for you."she told me, blushing even worse than before. Before I knew it, she was face down in the grass. I picked her up in my arms and carried her home. I set her in her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She is so peaceful when she sleeps. I sit on the bed and stroke her hair until Shigure comes in and calls me a creeper."If I didn't know better, I would think you had a little crushy-wushy on Meii. Awwwwww, you're so cuuuute!""Shut up Shigure."I don't know if Shigure is right, but I am beginning to feel something towards Meii.

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