Chapter Fifteen-Meii

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I simply cannot accept that I fell asleep. It happens just way too often. Oh well. I sometimes feel lost now that my family is gone. I feel so alone. How can I live like this what did I do to deserve this-this...torture?"Ms. Haruo, are you okay? Is something wrong?""The crash, I-I I lost them all. My mom, my brother, my dad, and-and my dog. I just want to go home, Yuki. I wanna escape this pain. It hurts, it hurts so bad. I miss them. I miss them so much. "Yuki sits on the bed beside me and holds me in his arms and I cry. I cry for the family that I lost. It was Thursday afternoon and they were going to go to my dog's check-up. They left and hours later there was a story of a crash going around. My family didn't come home and I wondered what I did wrong. And then I packed my bag and just left. Tohru comes in and squeezes me in her arms. She knows how I feel. How can she still smile? I want to re-learn happiness. I want to be happy again, for Yuki and my family.

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