Chapter 2

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Trigger warning! Self harm, foul language mature jokes, murder depictions, etc.

Sayaka was dead. Junko was dead. Leon was dead.

Makoto held back his tears.

You know, Nozomi had said earlier. This would be so much easier if I were here.

Nozomi was right, and that was the worst part. He didn't care about their dead friends like Makoto did.

How easily he could trigger Nozomi out. Just find a knife, or talk to Togami, or scratch his skin down. Nozomi would come.

He rolled his hoodie sleeve to his elbow and scratched. If he had a knife or razor, this would be so much easier. Makoto's head was beginning to pound.

Nozomi looked at the blood on his arm with disdain. He rolled down the sleeve.

He was starving. Where was the dining hall in this place? He opened the door to the dorm and walked down the hall. He could hear muffled speaking just a little away, so he followed the sound.

He stepped into the dining hall. "You're late, Makoto!" Someone shouted.

"Yeah, yeah," Nozomi responded, grabbing food from a brown haired girl sitting next to him. He picked at her plate. Mmm, donuts! They were very tasty.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She said. Nozomi didn't remember her name. Hina, maybe.

"Um, eating?" Nozomi smiled widely. He had to keep his eyes glued to her face. What a nice set of tits she had.

"So!" The loud voice butted in. Taka, Nozomi thought. "Was your room fixed up? Like he said?"

"Hmm?" Nozomi tilted his head in confusion. "What'dya mean?"

"Is there still a corpse in there?" Taka asked.

"Hm? Oh, I didn't check," Nozomi laughed. "But I couldn't smell any blood."

"How are you laughing at a time like this!" Hina butted in again.

"Because it's hilarious!" Nozomi burst into giggles. "I mean, she tried to kill someone in ou-my room and couldn't even do it! What a whore!"

The entire room was staring at Nozomi like he'd stomped on a puppy. Which, for the record, he would never do! He may have been a hitman, but he had standards.

"She was gonna-" Nozomi sucked deep air between his giggles. "Frame me. Me! As far as I'm concerned, the bitch had it comin'!"

"What the hell!" A voice cut through.

Nozomi turned his head, smiling even wider as he looked at Byakuya Togami's face.

"'Kuya," Nozomi purred, prowling towards Togami. "Can I call you 'Kuya?"

"He's gone crazy!" Someone shouted. The one with the long dreads, Nozomi thought. Hiro?

"No, you cannot," Togami said shortly.

"Mmh," Nozomi crooned, extending his hand and grabbing Togami's cheek firmly. Togami slapped him away. "I wasn't asking permission."

"H-hey, d-don't touch him!"

"Fukawa," Nozomi turned towards the author. "You know, I would keep my mouth shut. It would suck if it were allergy season, wouldn't it? A single sneeze and everything would be ruined for you, right?"

Fukawa's face drained of all color. "H-how...!"

"Aw, bless you, darling!" Nozomi jabbered, patting her hair gently. "She'd recognize me, you know."

The Hopebringer (Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Naegami AU)Where stories live. Discover now