Chapter 3

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I also don't know the artist for this one! Pls lmk if you do :D

Nozomi had been called to the gym. It had been a few days since he'd last been in charge, and he wasn't going to waste it.

"Do you guys mind if I vent a little?" Monokuma frowned. He sounded genuinely sad, but he didn't wait for a response before he continued talking. "I'm low on energy these days. My stitching's even losing all its shine and luster... I'm thinking, it's probably because of this ho-hum, boring old everyday life. I'm looking for something with a little more stimulation, something rife with danger and intrigue! Listen, can I just be frank? The next blackened hasn't shown up yet, and I'm getting boooored! So, I've decided to come up with a new way to motivate you!"

"M-motivate?" Tits (or Hina) stammered. "Like those videos?"

"No, of course not! I would never reuse a motive like that! This time, it's... embarrassing memories and secrets! As long as you're alive, it's a given that there's things you don't want other people to know about you! So I did a little investigating of my own, and I dug up some of your darkest secrets!"

That was a given. Monokuma already knew he was Nozomi, and Hopebringer.

Monokuma pulled out envelopes with each of the student's names on them and tossed them to the ground. Nozomi picked up the one with Makoto's name on it.

"Hey, 'Kuya, read mine aloud, will ya?" Nozomi giggled, pushing the unopened envelope into Togami's hands.

It seemed Byakuya was interested in Makoto's secret... after a moment, he pried open the envelope and began reading aloud.

"Makoto Naegi has Dissociative Identity Disorder, and his alter is named Nozomi."

The room was quiet, and Nozomi clapped his hands excitedly. "Hah! That's me, I'm Nozomi! Pussy little Maky wouldn't want anyone to know about me, but here I am!"

"Y-you have DID?" Fukawa asked.

"Oh yes," Nozomi giggled. "And I quite like you, 'Kuya..." He murmured as he leaned his head against Byakuya's chest.

"Cut it out," Togami ordered, but Nozomi didn't listen.

"We want Makoto back!" Hiro said loudly.

Nozomi turned away from Byakuya and turned towards Hiro, grabbing the kitchen knife from his jacket. The entire room gasped in surprise.

"I'm not gonna kill you," Nozomi giggled. "But I'm not afraid, like Maky would be. Remember that, Hiro."

"He's a completely different person! That was you in the dining hall, wasn't it," Hina wondered.

"Oh, yeah, you've got that right, gorgeous."

"Gorgeous?" Sakura said aloud, anger present in her tone.

"I mean, look at those jugs! Oh, and you too, Kirigiri~ if only I could see your-"

"Oh, here's your envelope, Nozomi!" Monokuma said happily, dropping it to the floor.

Nozomi smiled as he wrenched the envelope open and said in a clear tone, "Nozomi is the Hopebringer."

It was really as if you could hear a pin drop now; Nozomi relished in the uncomfortable feeling in the air.

"The serial killer?" A small voice said. Chihiro, if Nozomi recalled correctly.

"No, no! I'm much more dignified than that of a simple serial killer!" He shot the author in their midst a pointed look. "Hopebringer: the most famous and best hitman in the world! Which is why I'm the Ultimate Assassin! Perhaps someone else has that sort of talent already, but I wouldn't know!"

The Hopebringer (Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Naegami AU)Where stories live. Discover now