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Audrey's POV
It's been 2 weeks since I've left my apartment to since I've talked to anyone apart of the hype house
Vinnie has been trying to get ahold of me but I keep ignoring him
He's starting to get worried about me but I just can't let my guard down Vinnie turns me soft And I can't have that
I've been laying in bed the whole time I haven't eaten or even talked to my mom I've just ghosted everyone
I get another call from Vinnie
I finally decide to answer
Vi- A-Audrey?!
Au- y-yeah
I say in a faint whispers
Vi- omg why weren't you answering any of us I was so worried something happened to you
Au- I-I
Vi- can we please meet up for lunch or something I really want to see you again
Au- I don't know Vinnie
Vi- Aud
Au- don't call me that
Vi- wh-why
Au- goodbye Vinnie
Vi- wait no please just talk to me
I hang up

AudreyLee: haven't posted in a while
User: she looks rough

Kouvr: can you talk to one of us

Vinnie: I'm worried about you

User: she looks rough

Audrey: it's just allergies
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AudreyLee: I'm done
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Mo- Audrey honey
Au- yeah mom
Mo- please talk to Vinnie he's worried about you
Au- I can't mom
She walks away
I get a call from Michael
Au- hello
Ml- Umm you might wanna look on tiktokroom
Au- why
Ml- just look
I look on tiktokroom and I see a sex tape of me and my ex
Au- what the fuck!
I hang up on Michael and call the one person who would send this to tiktokroom
Na- hello
I can hear her smirk
Na- because I felt like it
Au- go fuck yourself Nailea Devora
I hang up and scream
I start crying
And go to my bathroom
I dig through my draw and grab my blade
I made two deep cuts blood runs down my arm and everything goes black
Vinnie's POV
Michael comes in my room and tells me to look on tiktokroom
I look and see Audrey's sex tape
Then I scroll up to the most recent post and it's captioned "seems like Audrey Lee didn't have such a good relationship with her ex who assaulted her multiple times and abused her mentally and physically and cheated on her an endless amount of times"
Vi- this is so fucking wrong this is why she thought I was gonna hit her
I get a call from her mom
Vi- hello?
Mo- V-Vinnie I need you to come to the hospital
Vi- why is Audrey ok?
Mo- no she harmed herself and it's really bad please just hurry
Vi- I'm on my way
I hang up
Vi- Audrey's in the hospital
Ml- let's go
We go downstairs
Th- where are you going
Vi- Audrey's in the hospital
Mi- what happened
Vi- her mom said she harmed herself and it's bad
Kv- can we come
I nod
Me Michael Kouvr Alex Mia and Thomas get in the car and I drive to the hospital
We get there and go inside
I see her mom
Vi- Mrs.Lee
She looks at me
Mo- Vinnie
Vi- how is sh
Mo- I don't know yet
Do- Audrey Lee?
We go to the doctor
Do- mrs.Lee your daughter can't seem to keep stable she keeps having mini seizures every 30 seconds but we're trying everything we can but the cuts her made were very intense
Kv- will she be ok
Do- we're not sure yet
Vi- you have to be sure you can't let her die not now she's too young
Nu- Doctor she's been stable for 15 minutes she's awake
Vi- can I see her
Do- yeah
He walks me to her room
I walk in
She sees me
Au- what are you doing here Vinnie
Vi- your mom called me but why haven't you talked to me or anyone
Au- I- Vinnie I can't let my guard down I've been hurt too many times to open up about something and to just let everything out but I guess tiktokroom did it for me
Vi- we had them take it down
Au- it doesn't matter everyone already seen it
Vi- Audrey I'm sorry about what happened to you
Au- see this isn't what I need I don't need you to pity me
Vi- but I wanna help you
Au- with what the whole social media seen me doing something that I didn't even want to do
Vi- you didn't want to
Au- no I didn't but he threatened my brother
Vi- you have a brother
Au- yeah he lives with my grandma in Michigan but nobody meets him 
Vi- oh well do you know when you can get out
Au- no but when I get out I'm going back to my apartment and staying in my room again
Vi- the doctors said you can't be left alone
Au- my mom will be there
Vi- why do you keep pushing me away I don't understand
Au- because I can't seem like a vulnerable person Vinnie you make me vulnerable and soft I just can't!
Vi- I know this isn't the real you because when you were drunk you were all happy and dancing around like a goof
Au- that's when I was drunk
Do- Audrey you've been stable for quite a while now so your free to leave make sure your cleaning those cuts so you don't get an infection and someone has to be with you at all times for a little bit
Au- ok 
She changes into clothes and when she walks out i realize how boney she is
We go out to the waiting room
Do- Vinnie?
Vi- yeah?
Do- she's gonna have mini seizures for a while and if she does all you have to do is sit on the floor and hold her so I have medicine for her she has to take one of each everyday
He gives me 6 bottles of pills
Do- she should take the first one around 2:00 pm then after 15 minutes she needs to take another then the same with other ones so after 15 minutes she needs to take a pill everyday don't let her over lapse the times
Vi- ok thank you
Do- your welcome
Vi- Audrey come here
She Walks to me and I hug her
I feel how skinny she is and she immediately pushes me away
Au- don't say anything
Vi- guys let's go eat
She rolls her eyes
Th- I'm down
Vi-  Mrs.Lee do you and Audrey want to come
Au- no-
Mo- yeah that's fine
Vi- great let's go
We go to a restaurant
We order but Audrey doesn't get anything
Vi- Audrey are you gonna order
Au- I'm not hungry
Vi- I don't care if your not hungry eat something
Au- no
Vi- can I get another cheeseburger and medium fry
W- yeah will that be it for today
Vi- yeah
W- ok I'll be back with your drinks
She comes back with the drinks
Then our food
Audrey pushes her food away
Vi- please just eat
Au- no vinnie I said I'm not hungry
Mo- Audrey you haven't eaten in 2 weeks
Au- god mom do you ever shut up
Kv- hey let's go outside Audrey
Mia And Kouvr take her outside to cool down
Audrey's POV
Kouvr and Mia take me outside to calm down
I sit down to calm myself
I see fletcher
Fl- hey Audrey everyone seen tiktokroom about your ex
I stand up
Au- get the fuck away from me right now! You have no right talking to me about my past and what I went through!!
Fl- look the fans just wanted to know if it was true
I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me away
I instantly know it's Vinnie
Vi- hey calm down cmon
He takes me to the car
Vi- what happened
Au- he was asking me about the post on Tiktokroom and asking me if it was true
Vi- ok
Au- Vinnie he has no right to talk about that
Vi- I know I know but you can't react like that you have to control that especially now that your in LA on social media
Au- you can't tell me to calm down Vinnie if you had a relationship like I did you would've reacted the same way if you were abused mentally and physically got forced to have sex and was raped by the same person you couldn't get away from because you had absolutely no one else to go to how would you react when someone talks about it
I start crying and he holds me but I push him away
Au- I don't need you to pity me
Vi- I'm not but you need someone you know you do stop pushing everyone away
Au- You don't even barely know me we've known each other for like not even 3 weeks stop trying to come into my life thinking I'm just gonna fall into you because that's not how this is gonna work
I get out and walk in the restaurant and grab my moms keys
I take her car and just drive Not knowing where to go
I stop at a rest area and make a tiktok

AudreyLee: true story
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AudreyLee: let me go
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I drive back to my apartment and go to my room
I grab my weed and beer and go on the balcony
I smoke and drink until I'm drunk and high
I go inside and call Michael
Ml- hello?
Ml- Audrey are you drunk
Au- mhm and I smoked soooo much I feel like I'm flying and can do whatever I want
Ml- Aud go lay down and get some rest
Au- NO
Ml- if your not gonna go to sleep let me get Vinnie to talk to you ok?
Au- ughh fine
Ml- yo Vin it's Audrey
Vi- Audrey
Au- hi Vin
Vi- hi Aud
Au- I'm sorry I yelled at you and was mean to you
Vi- it's ok
Au- can you come to my apartment
Vi- sure I'll be there in 10 minutes
Au- ok byeee
Vi- bye
He hangs up and I go to my room
I change into sweats and his hoodie
I wait for him
Vinnie's POV
I decide to go to the store and get some stuff for Audrey
After 30 minutes I get to her apartment
I walk in and go to her room
I see her crying in her bed
Vi- hey what's wrong
She looks at me
Au- I thought you weren't gonna come
Vi- no I went to the store to get you some stuff
I go to the kitchen and grab the stuff I got her
I go back to her room
Vi- I got you flowers a teddy bear and chocolate
Au- awww Vinnie
She starts crying again
Vi- don't cry
Au- your too sweet Vin
I give her the stuff
Au- they smell so pretty and they look pretty
Vi- so do you
Au- no way I smell like weed and liquor
Vi- well you look beautiful
She blushes
Au- thanks Vin
She puts her flowers on her dresser in a vase
Au- you want a chocolate
Vi- no I'm ok
She lays in her bed with the teddy bear
Au- well are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come keep me warm
I laugh and lay in bed with her
She wraps her self around me and lays her head on my chest
I wrap my arms around her waist
Vi- I know somewhere inside you behind this person who can't let her guard down there's another person who's crying for help and wants to open up to someone but she feels like she can't because what she's been through and I just want you to know that when your ready to let your guard down I'm here and I'll catch you when you fall I promise
I look and see she sleeping
I kiss her forehead and fall asleep

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