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Audrey's POV
I wake up at 2am and can't seem to go back to sleep
Being an over thinker with anxiety I start overthinking everything then start hyperventilating I soon start crying
I grab my phone and call Vinnie
V: Audrey why are you up it's 2am
Au: V-Vinnie
V: hey baby what's wrong
Au: can I come over I can't sleep
V: yeah of course
Au: can you please stay on call with me
V: yes baby do you wanna FaceTime
Au: mhm
V: ok
I get a FaceTime from Vinnie and answer
He sees my tear stained face
V: oh honey
I put his hoodie on and a pair of spandex and drive to the hype house with him talking to me the whole time
I get there and see Vinnie walk out the front door
I hang up the phone and run to him
He sits on the front steps with me in his arms
V- it's ok honey calm down breathe
I eventually stop crying
V- you wanna tell me what happened
Au- can we go in the car
V- you don't want to go inside?
Au- no
V- ok
We go to the car and lay in the back seat
V- what happened
Au- I woke up and couldn't go to bed then my anxiety kicked in and I started thinking a little too much and I just start hyperventilating
V- did you take your anxiety pills yet
I shake my head no
V- do you have them
Au- yeah in the glove box
He grabs them and I take one
V- do you wanna go on a drive
Au- mhm
V- ok
I get in the passenger seat and he gets in the driver seat
He starts driving somewhere
We end up at a beach
I put my phone on the dash board and start recording
He plays a song we listen to quite a bit o

VinnieHacker: Rough Nights=Late night cars rides and music at the beach
User: stop the pain in her cry

User: did they break up because the song is taking about just being Friends

User: he holds her so securely

User: I would feel so safe if he was holding me like that

User: is no one gonna talk about how good her voice is
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Au- Vinnie?
V- yeah?
Au- I love you
V- I love you too
Au- no Vinnie I'm In love with you and this is Gonna sound cliche but when I'm with you I feel like I'm actually my true self Vin every boy that's been in my life has either left me or literally destroyed me you are the only man that has stayed in my life my dad wasn't the best every single one of my exes destroyed who I was and made me feel like a monster but you haven't done anything but give me reasons to trust you and make me feel like we could actually be something
V- babe.......
Au- you don't have to say anything it's probably hard to respond to something like that
V- Audrey I'm in love with you too
Au- I want you to meet something later
V- who
Au- my brother
V- ok?
Au- he's 5 and the only person who I've ever introduced him to was my childhood best friend Myah because I don't want him to get hurt
V- what do you mean get hurt
Au- some kids at my school used him as an example to manipulate me into doing things
I look down playing with Vinnie's rings
He pulls me into his chest
V- I'm sorry princess
Au- I just wanted to protect him from everyone there that's why he moved to Michigan with my grandma but he's here in LA at my apartment to spend time with me for a while so I want you to meet him tomorrow or I guess later today
V- I'd love to meet your brother babe
I kiss him lightly
Au- I'm sorry for waking you up this late or early
V- it's ok Audrey you shut me out because you didn't want to seem vulnerable now having you call me because your crying makes me feel so good
I smile
Au- ok
He kisses my forehead
V- let's go back to hype to get your car and drive to your apartment
A- ok
He drives to hype then we go back to my apartment
We go in my room and fall asleep in each other's arms
I wake up on top of Vinnie and him holding me securely
A- Vin baby
He looks so cute I don't want to wake him up
I push a piece of hair out of his face and he opens his eyes lightly
V- morning gorgeous
A- morning Handsome
He kisses me
A- thanks for staying with me last night
V- your welcome
Kegan runs into my room and sees Vinnie
Ke- is this your boyfriend?
A- yeah it is
I pick him up
V- hi buddy
Kegan hides his face in my neck
A- bubba this is Vinnie
He turns his head and looks at him
V- hi Kegan
Ke- h-hi
He says shyly
A- don't be shy silly remember what mama said yesterday
Ke- he's a very kind and sweet boy
A- exactly
He takes his head off my shoulder and holds his arms out to Vinnie so Vinnie grabs him
Ke- you have tattoos
V- yeah I do
A- he has a spider tattoo
Ke- woah really I wanna see
A- it's on his chest
Ke- I wanna see it I love spiders
I made a disgusted face
A- alright I guess
Vinnie takes his shirt off
Kegan covers his eyes
Me and Vinnie laugh
A- Bubba you can uncover your eyes
Ke- no he's naked
A- no he's not silly it's just like when we go in the pool you take your shirt off
Ke- oh
He uncovers his eyes and sees Vinnie's tattoo
He gets off my laugh and runs out making me and Vinnie laugh
Vinnie puts his shirt back on and we go out and hear my brother talking to my mom about the tattoo
Ke- it's so cool mommy it's a scary spider I want the same one he has pleaseeee
I run and pick him up
A- you can't get a tattoo until your my age
Ke- but that's old
My jaw drops
Kegan giggles
I lay him on the couch and tickle him
He laughs
Ke- nooo stop it I'm sorry your not old
I stop tickling him
I turn and see my mom crying
A- mom why are you crying
Mo- no reason I'm just happy you guys are together again
A- me too
Ke- and me
I kiss his cheek
A- mauhhh
Ke- I love you sissy
A- I love you too bubba
He gets up and runs to his room
I laugh
A- Vin I have a surprise for you later
V- ooo what is it
A- babe surprise s-u-r-p-r-I-s-e
V- oh thanks for spelling it for me
A- your welcome
V- do you have it yet
A- no not yet so when I go to get it just go to the hype house and I'll go here to show you
V- ok
He runs to the couch and lays on me
V- I love you so much
A- I love you so much more
He looks at me
V- no
A- yes
He kisses my lips
V- noooo
A- yessss and that's final
V- meanie
He pouts and I kiss his lips making him smile
He lays his head on my chest and I scratch his head and play with his hair
I look at my mom and she's taking a picture

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