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Audrey's POV

A- wanna watch a movie
Ka- sure
A- let me shower first
Ka- ok go shower
He kisses my forehead making me smile
I walk to my room and go in the shower
I put on this and blow dry my hair

I walk out and lay back down He puts on a movie and we fall asleep watching it I wake up and go to reach for my neck but remember I left my necklace in LA I have to go back and get that Ka- good morning gorgeous A- morning Kai He kisses me A- I ha...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I walk out and lay back down
He puts on a movie and we fall asleep watching it
I wake up and go to reach for my neck but remember I left my necklace in LA
I have to go back and get that
Ka- good morning gorgeous
A- morning Kai
He kisses me
A- I have to go to LA
Ka- why?
A- I'm gonna get my own apartment in Jersey and move out here so I have to start packing my stuff
Ka- can I go with you
A- do you really think that's a good idea
Ka- why wouldn't it be
A- because of Vinnie
Ka- don't worry about him ok?
A- ok
I go on tiktok and see 10 straight videos on my foryou page just clowning me for "cheating"
I look at my comments

"You were never good enough for Vinnie anyway"
"Kill yourself I hope you die for what you did"
"Maybe you should go on a diet"

I get off tiktok and go to Instagram to notice my comments were the exact same and my dm's were full of death threats and hate
A tear falls down my cheek but I quickly wipe it before Kai can see it
Ka- i just booked plane tickets
A- what why I was gonna do that
Ka- because I wanted to
A- fine when's the flight
Ka- tomorrow at 3am
A- ok
I get up and get dressed comfy for the plane ride

I wake Kairi up A- hey we have to go To your place to pack your stuff Ka- ok We get our shoes on I grab my suitcase and we go out to the car I rented for a bit till my car gets in Jersey I drive to Kairi's house and we quietly go inside so we don'...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I wake Kairi up
A- hey we have to go To your place to pack your stuff
Ka- ok
We get our shoes on
I grab my suitcase and we go out to the car I rented for a bit till my car gets in Jersey
I drive to Kairi's house and we quietly go inside so we don't wake anyone up
He packs a suitcase
We go out to the car and go to the airport
We get on the plane
Soon we land In LA
Ka- Aud wake up we're here
A- hm?
Ka- we're in LA
A- oh
We get off the plane and grab our luggage
We go out and get an Uber
We go to my apartment since it's 6am
Ka- can I go lay down
A- yeah it's the last door to the right
He goes to my room and I sit on my couch scrolling through tiktok until I end up falling asleep
I wake up to Kairi
Ka- Aud it's 10 do you wanna go now?
A- sure
I get up and we get an Uber to the hype house
We walk up and I knock
Alex answers and sees me
Al- Audrey?
A- hi
He hugs me
Al- what are you doing here I thought you were in Jersey
A- I came to get something from Vincent
He laughs
A- what?
Al- your using his government name
A- yeah
Al- come in
I walk in and Kairi walks in behind me
Al- oh
Ka- hi
Al- hey Kairi right?
Ka- yeah your Alex
Al- yeah
We walk to the living room
I see everyone in the kitchen and living room
She runs to me knocking me over
A- jeez Mia I was gone for a day
Mi- too long
A- well get used to it cause I'm moving to Jersey
A- uh I just don't really wanna be in LA anymore
??- why are you here
I turn and see Emily
A- I was grabbing something from vi-
I notice she's wearing my necklace
A- where the fuck did you get that
Em- get what
A- that necklace
Em- I-It's mine
A- no it's not it's mine
Em- you liar
A- my grandpa gave me that necklace Emily
Ml- just give her the necklace Emily it's not yours
Em- yes it I-
A- Emily I beat your ass once I'll happily do it again
V- calm down Audrey it's just a necklace
A- no it's not just a necklace it's the necklace my grandpa gave me before he died it's the only thing I have left from him
V- god your such a cry baby
A- fuck you Vincent
Emily walks away
I walk to her and shove her so she falls to the ground
Em- what the fuck
The girls and boy laugh all except for Vinnie
A- just give me my necklace please
She takes it off and gives it to me
I walk to Vinnie and give him the promise ring he gave me
A- so much for a promise
Me and Kairi walk outside
Alex walks outside
Al- do you need a ride back to your place
A- yeah
Alex drives us back
Ka- thanks Alex
I get out
Al- don't hurt her please
Ka- never planned on it
He gets out and we go up to my apartment 
We go to my room and lay down
A- Kairi?
Ka- yeah?
A- is she prettier than me
Ka- what?
A- E-Emily is she prettier than me or-or skinner I just don't understand
Ka- no Aud she's not Look at me
I look at him with watery eyes
Ka- you are perfect and I know I haven't even known you for that long but I really like you and I know you haven't had the best past with relationships because Myah told me but I want you to know I wouldn't ever hurt you or want to hurt you
A- yeah I've been told that multiple times before
Ka- and I'm serious when I say it Audrey I won't hurt you I promise
A- how can I believe you
Ka- your not gonna want to
A- want to what
Ka- nevermind
I lean in and kiss him
A- this?
He nods
I kiss him again and wrap my arms around his neck
Soon it turns into a make out
He picks me up and walks to my bedroom
He lays me on the bed
Ka- you know I really like you
A- I like you too Kai a lot
After they do the nasty
Kairi pulls me on top of him so are bare chests are touching and he wraps his arms around me
Ka- that was amazing
A- yeah it was
I kiss his chest and lay my head in the crook of his neck
I place gentle kisses on his neck
Ka- did I leave any marks on you
A- marks?
Ka- hickeys?
A- I don't know
Ka- can I check because I don't like leaving marks on you
A- but their just hickeys
Ka- I know but when you post on social media everyone is gonna see them
A- ok
I roll off him and he looks at my neck
Ka- just a couple
A- I can cover them with makeup don't worry about it
Ka- ok
He puts his hand on my waist and rubs his thumb in circles over my hip bone
A- what time is it
He grabs his phone and looks at the time
Ka- 5:28 pm
A- ughh
Ka- what?
A- I don't wanna have to pack everything then unpack it again
Ka- I'll help you it's ok
A- I guess we should start packing now
Ka- ok
We get up and put clothes on and start packing all my stuff
We got the kitchen and living room done and it's now 11 pm
Ka- what do you wanna do now
A- wanna make a tiktok
Ka- sure

Kairi: Guys she's moving to Jersey! @AudreyLee

User: ew literally stay away from Kairi bro

User: she's gonna be another Celia

User: why hasn't she been smiling at all
User: because she cheated and lost Vinnie

User: the way he's holding her😩

User: snake get out of here 🐍

Kairi disabled the comments

A- I'm tired
Ka- let's lay down
We lay in my bed and watch Halloween movies
I get a notification from Instagram

"Emily would like to Send you a message"

I accept it and look at the message
Em: stay tf away from Vinnie he doesn't want you anymore
Audrey: I wasn't planning on going by him
Em: I swear if you tell anyone what the actual story is and expose Vinnie and I it won't end well for you
A: what the fuck are you going to do, beat my ass?
Em: yeah I will
A: that's funny cause last time you said that I almost killed you emily do me a favor and just stay the fuck away from me and stop texting me
Em: maybe do us all a favor and kill your self no one fucking likes you Vinnie never liked you and I hope you know Mia, Kouvr, Alex, Micheal and Calvin all knew what was going on with me and Vinnie and didn't say anything because they wanted you to get hurt they don't actually care for you
A: leave me alone Emily
Audrey blocked Emily

I go to the bathroom And call Mia
A: did you know about Emily and Vinnie
Mi: what?
A: did you know Emily and Vinnie were seeing each other behind my back
She doesn't say anything
A: fucking lovely
Mi: Audrey we didn't mean it
A: we? So how many of you knew
Mi: 5 of us including myself
A: Great to know my "best friends" really were just backstabbing bitches fuck you Mia I hate you I hate everything single one of you
I hang up on her
I hear a knock on the door
Ka- you ok?
A- yeah I'm fine
I fake smile
Ka- you don't have to put on a fake face for me Aud
I look down then back up at him with teary eyes
A- they all knew
Ka- what
A- they all knew Vinnie had something going on with Emily and didn't tell me
Ka- oh baby
He hugs me
A- I fucking hate them
Ka- don't say that you know you don't mean it
I push him away
A- are you fucking defending them!?
Ka- wha- no I'm not I'm just saying that you know you don't hate them you love all of them even if they didn't tell you
A- I wanna go to bed my head hurts
Ka- ok cmon
We get in bed
A- I hate life
Ka- I know
I fall asleep to Kairi playing with my hair

You changed me V.H  ⚠️on hold⚠️ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن