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Vinnie's POV
I wake up and Audrey is still sleeping
I get up and go to the kitchen I grab her medicine and a bottle of water for when she wakes up
I put it on her bedside table
I go back out and start making breakfast
Soon I feel arms wrap around my waist
Au- Vin
Vi- Aud
Au- can we talk
I turn the stove off and take the pancake off the pan onto a plate
I turn around and she grabs my hand
We walk to the couch
Vi- what's up
Au- I'm sorry
Vi- for what
Au- for how I acted towards you yesterday it was unnecessary for me to act out like I did
Vi- I understand it hurts and you hate when people talk about your past
Au- but it didn't give me a reason to treat you like I did you were just trying to help me and I kept pushing you away when I needed help
I interlock our fingers
Au- Vinnie I'm ready to let my guard down if you promise to never hurt me and always be there to pick me up when I fall
Vi- I promise Audrey I'll always be there for you through thick and thin always and forever so Audrey will you be my girlfriend
Au- yes Vinnie I'd love too
I lean in and kiss her

Vinnie's POV I wake up and Audrey is still sleeping I get up and go to the kitchen I grab her medicine and a bottle of water for when she wakes up I put it on her bedside table I go back out and start making breakfast  Soon I feel arms wrap around...

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AudreyLee: I let my guard down for him and I can call him mine @VinnieHacker
User: you guys are so cute

User: awwww


AlexWarren: I've been waiting for this one TURN IT UP
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Vi- you wanna go to the hype house
Au- sure let me change
Vi- ok

Audrey's POV Vi- you look pretty Au- thanks Vin We go out to his car and go to the hype house We get there and the sway house is outside Vi- yooo Bryce what's up manB- hey man not much just training for the fight (Pretend Vinnie isn't doing the fi...

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Audrey's POV
Vi- you look pretty
Au- thanks Vin
We go out to his car and go to the hype house
We get there and the sway house is outside
Vi- yooo Bryce what's up man
B- hey man not much just training for the fight
(Pretend Vinnie isn't doing the fight vs Deji)
Vi- oh fun
B- is this the Audrey Lee
Au- hi Bryce
B- hey
He shakes my hand
Na- AUDREY!!???
Au- NAILEA???!!
Th- wait how do you guys know each other
Au- I-
Na- uh-
Vi- I'm confused
Na- it's ok baby you'll understand soon
She touches his biceps he pulls away from her and I push her
Au- stay the fuck away from him
Na- aww you just know that if I could steal Jason from you I could definitely steal Vinnie from you too
Au- don't ever mention him again to me
Na- Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason
Na- Jas-
I punch her
Vinnie pulls me away from her
Na- what happened go not letting your guard down huh
Vi- Nailea leave
Na- Vin don't make me leave I just got here
Na- fine but I will be back
She leaves
Vi- how do you know her
Au- she went to my high school she was the one who sent in all that stuff to Tiktokroom including the sex tape
Vi- oh
Au- how do you know her
Th- social media her and Vinnie had a thing but ended it when she started talking to another guy
Au- fun
Ry- is that Audrey
Au- Ryland!!
We run to each other and hug
Mi- so she just knows everyone now?
Au- bro me and Ryland have been best friends since preschool
I start to stumble back feeling light headed
Vinnie grabs my arm and brings me inside
Vi- look at me
Vinnie's POV
She starts to fall backwards
I grab her sit her down she breaths heavy And I run my fingers through her hair and just comfort her
Vi- Michael get me a wet towel and grab her bag and a water bottle
He grabs everything and brings it to me
She soon calms down
Vi- you need to take your medicine babe
Au- I don't want to
Vi- you have to sweetheart
Au- it's hard for me to take pills Vin
I understand what she's trying to say
Vi- look I'm right here every time you take your medicine I'll be right here with you ok I promise
I take the 6 bottles out and first open her anxiety pills
She hesitates but takes it with water
Vi- good job
We wait 15 minutes then she takes her seizure pills then she takes anti-depression pills
After she finishes taking her medicine I put it away
Vi- I'll be back in a second
I take her to my room and lay her in my bed so she can rest
Vi- try and take a nap alright baby
Au- ok
I go back downstairs
Th- what was that
Vi- after she was in the hospital the doctor gave her medicine that she has to take
K- that's a lot of medicine
Vi- yeah it is
Mi- why did she drop to the floor like that
Vi- she was having a seizure But I don't really wanna talk about it it's her business not mine
We hang out in the living room and kitchen for a while
I go on tiktok and see Audrey posted a new tiktok

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