The Silver Prince [Subthan]

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This is based off of a book I read so it's not completely original...

What do I do? How am I supposed to do this? I CAN'T let him go to war. I don't care about myself, I just want him safe. But how? I guess I could start off small. The tavern maybe my best bet at this point. All those drunks won't notice a thing...I hope...

I ran over to the tavern and waited until drunken men and women would file out, and I would collect what little money they had. I saw a man stumbled through the bar slightly and I reached delicately into his pocket but I was still when he stopped my hand.

I was pulled closer to his face and saw that he was glaring at me.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Stealing, what does it look like?!"

He was shocked at how honest I was and I gave a humorless laugh. At this point I don't care if I'm arrested or killed, my family thinks I'm a disappointment anyways.

"Why are you doing this?" He said, softer than before.

I sighed, "I'm trying to do something about conscription..."

"For yourself?"

"No. I could care less about myself. I'm doing this for a friend, because he wouldnt be able to survive, I couldn't bare with that..."

The man let go of my hand and sighed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small silver coin. He gently grabbed my hand and placed the object in my palm.

I was shocked. This one coin could be my best bet. It has brought me closer....but not nearly close enough...sadly.

I looked back to where the man had stood but he disappeared. I didn't get the chance to thank him.

I slowly walked back home, a sliver of hope in the silver coin.

Where did he get this from?

Or how did he get this?

The questions flooded my mind but it didn't matter, I'm one step closer to saving him. If I keep this up then maybe....maybe by the end of the week I can make....he can make it....


It was sunrise and I went down stairs and searched my home's empty cupboards for a speck of food. Nothing. Not even the rats will leave crumbs.

I sighed, "I guess I have to go to the market..."

But my health isn't as important as someone else's life, someone close to me even....

I pulled my dusty and torn cloak from the floor and placed over my head, slightly covering my face. I walk out into the busy, early morning streets. Every person passing by isn't aware of my intentions. One by one wallets in my clutches and pouches in my pocket.

I feel bad because we're all were going through the same thing but this was important. I need to do it for him or...I would lose someone else I care about...

Three hours had passed and I retreated to an abandoned ally to examine my haul. All copper coins and two silver. I may be able to pull this off...

I continued home to see if my sister had anything to do but I arrived to two silver guards conversing with her. I ran up to them, frightened that she might have done something.

No, she never would, she know better. Maybe....they're here for me....

"...Yes we have been told that he will be given a job." I had overheard.

Me?! Why me?

The guards had turned towards my footsteps and my sister had noticed as well. A sad smile had dawned her face.

"Is this him?" One guard asked her.

She slowly nodded.

They finally spoke to me," There has been a job opportunity that has been designated to you. We were to inform you of your departure from this area tomorrow."

With that said both guards had turned and walked towards a road lead to the City of Silvers.

I turned towards my sister, "What....?"

She sighed, "Someone from the City of Silvers had offered you a job and...I accepted for you..."

My eyes widened with shock, "Why would you do that!?" I raised my voice.

"Why are you making decisions for me!?"

Her head hung to the ground, " would get you out of conscription and...." she raised her head and tears began rolling down her cheek. " I couldn't bear to think that you could die at any time, and I wouldn't even know! To know that my brother is out there and I may never see him again...." She was sobbing and her eyes turned red and puffy.

I suddenly felt guilt. I hugged her tightly and rubbed circles in her back.

"We already lost dad....I don't want to lose you too Sub...."



Sooooo sorry we haven't been on here for awhile....I haven't talk to Ed in forever and I feel horrible for it....I feel I shouldnt even upload this here but you know....what ever.....anyway if you want me to finish this tell me...other wise this is the last one in this book most likely....maybe even from this account....I'm sorry...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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