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Lyric quickly ran down the steps, making sure not to fall, and ran out the door. She then hopped into her car, started the engine and backed out of her driveway. It wasn't an extremely fancy car, but she couldn't care less. She was late for school and was supposed to meet her best friend, Emma.
She had woken up around 7:00 that morning, and school started at 7:30. She rushed to brush her teeth, braid her hair and get dressed.  She had thrown on some jeans with a red cropped hoodie, and by the time she was done getting ready, it was already 7:25. She didn't have any time for breakfast, so she skipped that and went straight outside. On her way to school, she opened up her phone camera to get a look at her appearance. She studied her long brown hair, neatly braided into place. She squinted her hazel eyes as the sun beamed straight into her face. She's always content with her body and appearance, so being insecure wasn't a big thing.
She finally arrived at school, right before the bell for her first period started. Her locker was right next to the classroom, so she got her supplies and went in and sat by Emma. "Where were you?" Emma asked.
"I woke up late," Lyric replied, "my alarm clock didn't ring at 6 and I was rushing out of the house. At least I made it on time."
Emma shrugged, the teacher began talking about the day's lesson and what projects were due.
The bell rang and Lyric had fallen asleep sometime during the middle of class. She hadn't gone to bed until 2:00 am and woke up late on top of that. She was exhausted. It wasn't until Emma had shaken her awake had she realized that her classmates were shuffling in and out of the classroom.
She wiped the drool off of her mouth and stood up, stretching her arms above her head and straightening herself up.
Emma chuckled, "Someone was up late last night," She noticed as they walked out into the busy hallway.
Lyric nodded, "You have no idea, I was up till 2 finishing my science homework.  Of course, it didn't help that Chord was on the phone with his girlllllfriendddddddddd all night, and trust me, you don't want to hear your brother making unpleasant noises. Good thing my parents didn't hear." she laughed.
"Where is Chord anyways?" Emma asked, a little curious. Lyric raised her eyebrows "Nosy, aren't we?"
"No, I just wanted to know, I didn't see you with him today" Emma said with a flushed look on her face.
"Sureeeee" Lyric teased. She believed that Emma had a crush on Chord, which was totally obvious. Unfortunately for Emma, Chord was taken by the literal devil.
Lyric and Emma stood by their lockers, and out of the corner of her eye, Lyric saw Callie on her phone. Callie was Lyric's crush. She was beautiful. She had long soft brown hair, almost as soft as a teddy bear, and she has the most beautiful smile in the world. Lyric couldn't stop herself from staring- or even drooling, Callie was too precious for ANYONE to take their eyes off. Long story short, Lyric was in love with Callie. She was amazing and incredibly sweet for the most part, and not to mention- she's undeniably hot. They weren't that close, but Lyric knew for a fact that Callie LOVED attention. Unfortunately for Lyric, Callie is taken by a dumb boy who doesn't even care about her and her needs. Lyric doesn't like to think about that though.
Anyone who knew Callie, knew for a FACT that she loved being the center of everything, but Lyric loved her no matter what. Even if Callie was known as Adri's side bitch, you could just tell from the way she dressed that she was a whore for looks. There was not a day that Callie wore something dark and unnoticeable. She wore bright hoodies and crop tops that showed skin, which made Lyric blush every time she walked past, or bright pink tank tops that Lyric would sometimes scream over, or even sometimes yellow sweaters, and Lyric hates the color yellow, but somehow, Callie can pull it off. She can pull anything off.
Callie always had her hair in a high ponytail with a silver sequin ribbon that wrapped around her hair perfectly. Sometimes, it didn't match her outfit at all, and it would stick out like crazy, but somehow, she still managed to look hot, and keep a SEQUIN RIBBON trendy. Of course Callie wasn't perfect- she wasn't always the neatest person ever, with her hair sticking up in all directions sometimes, and her shoelaces always un tied, but that was why Lyric loved her so much, because Callie had flaws too.
"Hello? Earth to Lyyyricccc," Emma said as she waved her hand in front of Lyric's eyes.
"Huh, what?" Lyric asked, moving from her daydream, turning her attention back to Emma.
Emma looked behind Lyric to see what she was looking at.  Emma was one of the few people who knew about Lyrics crush on Callie, even though, everyone in the school knew she was lesbian, and no one was brave enough to say one rude thing to Lyric. Who would anyway? Everyone is scared that she might get mad. Besides, this school is full of equality. Unless you count that bitch, Adri.
Lyric had power at the school, she was popular, almost the head cheerleader, and could be terrifying if anyone got on her nerves. Sometimes she was worse than Adri, which was saying a lot. Let's just say, Lyric and Adri weren't the best of friends. It's a long story. But they overall didn't like each other, and that was that.
Emma smirked at Lyric, "Awww, are you noticing how hot Callie looks," She teased.
Lyric blushed softly, a pink tint coming to her cheeks, "noooo," She lied unconvincingly.
"Sure," Emma smirked. 
Lyric smacked Emma's shoulder jokingly, "I hate you," she laughed
Emma rolled her eyes playfully and smiled, "Sure you do," she chuckled.
Lyric smiled back at her. Just then, Callie walked up to them.
"Hey guys," She greeted happily.
"Hi- uh. I mean hey," Lyric stuttered, her face beginning to turn bright red, similar to a tomato
"Hiiii," Emma said joyfully, trying to stifle a laugh.
Lyric gave Emma a hard glare, her eyes digging into Emma, just like knives getting stabbed into your skin.
Lyric was a very direct person, and wasn't afraid to say what she believed in. if she said that it was raining, even if it was sunny no one would argue with her. People were too scared to even try.
Emma stopped smiling, she looked at her non-existent watch, "Oh- look at the time! Gotta dash," she said with a panicked look. She then sped down the hallway, tripping over her feet in the process and made her way to her second period class, leaving Callie and Lyric alone.
"Fucking nuisance," Lyric mumbled under her breath.
Lyric knew she could be mean, but does it look like she cared? That's how their friendship worked.. It didn't affect how they saw each other. Cause in reality, they loved each other. They just had a very odd way of showing it.
Callie chuckled, her eyes lighting up and swirling with emotion. She had the brightest smile on the planet, and it could make anyone melt with just one glance. That's exactly what Lyric wanted to do. Callie's makeup sparkled and her hair glowed.
Lyric sighed, if only she had the courage to ask out such a beautiful person. But this was one of the only things Lyric couldn't do. She couldn't and she wouldn't want to jeopardize her and Callie's friendship.
The bell rang for the next class, Lyric went one way, and Callie went the opposite way. Lyric turned to see Callie off with her other friends, who were fashionably late to their classes as well. Callie flipped her hair, fixing it, as her other friends were not paying attention to anything but their phones. Lyric had a sudden urge just to go over there. Not to hangout, but to tell Callie how much she loved her.
That was impossible though.
Lyric made her way to her second period class. History. It was one of her least favorite classes. She found it boring because she never understood the point of it. "It's in the past," she would say, "We should focus on the future," Many other students agreed with her on this, and not just because they were intimidated, but because it was only American History. If it were a different history, maybe Lyric wouldn't mind it. But really, was she expected to sit through a half an hour of nonsense?  It's all the British's fault, they are the ones who didn't know what the heck they were doing.
Lyric gave a loud sigh, she sat down in her seat which was in the back, she took out a pencil and started doodling in her notebook. She didn't know what she was doing, but it was better than learning about the founding fathers, who no one cared about. She believed that she was great at drawing, and she took many art classes when she was younger, but she dropped them to become a cheerleader. That didn't stop her, though, she liked to draw in her freetime.
History class went on as usual, Lyric was still doodling in her notebook when the bell rang. She got up and gathered all of her things.  The passing period wasn't very long so she didn't have much time to prepare for her next class.  She had science next with her friend, Abi.  She and Abi played around for most of the class, so time went by quickly and it was time for lunch.
She made her way to lunch and sat at the "cheerleader and football" table, where she normally sat, next to Emma. Of course, this is a high school where all the tables are separated. The popular people are even more segregated. Obviously Callie sits at the top dog table, right next to fucking Adri, who just happened to be making out with Chord, which is disgusting.
Lyric glanced over at them, making a puking face, "gross," she spat loudly.
"Shut up," She heard Adri yell from her table.  She then flipped them off, a horrible smirk on her face. "I don't know why you're so jealous, it's not my fault that no girl wants to ass rape you with a fucking two sided dildo, you creep" Adri said as Callie gave a soft giggle. She went back to making out with Chord. Lyric just stared at her, rage burning from the very core of her heart and soul. The things she wanted to do and say, she'd rather kill herself then to let that plastic bitch ruin her day. So she got up, and went over to their table, and all the other popular kids looked up, wondering what was going on. Adri stared at Lyric.
"I don't know what the FUCK your problem is, but you better fucking stop and leave me the hell alone, everyone is fucking tormented by you because you're an entitled fucking brat who thinks that you can get EVERYTHING you want just because you ASK. I'm TIRED of it Adri, you need to grow up and understand that you can't have your way with everything ok?"
Adri then got up, with a sly smile and walked  over to Lyric.
"Fuck you, Lyric." She said. Lyric rolled her eyes and started to leave, but was stopped short.
" I'm allowed to do what I want, who are you to say otherwise? And I don't think you should be calling anyone out, you don't think that you aren't also an entitled bitch? Come on, at least I have some sense, and I know that the world doesn't revolve around me. No, because I'm not the one begging for attention each day am I? You don't know my life, Lyric. You don't know what I've been through. You can't come for me because I just happen to make your big ass head a little bit mad. You just gotta accept that nothing is always sunshine and rainbows. So let me give you a little piece of advice before you throw another one of your temper tantrums. Don't come for girls who don't even like you, aka, Callie, and don't think that you're superior to everybody- because I sure don't. Yeah, I'm popular because I have something called a great personality.  And if you think I'm a bitch, look at you. Don't act like you just DESERVE to be respected. I mean, look at me, does it look like I give a fuck if anyone likes me? But no, not you, you NEED to be loved, don't you?" Adri said, not taking a single breath as she said all of that. She sat down closing her eyes.
"Get out of my face, lesbo depresso" Adri said, just as everyone started to laugh, laugh and laugh. Lyric looked around at everyone's faces. Some were hysterical, some were applauding, some weren't even looking, some were surprised, and some were sympathetic. She then looked at Callie's face, and just like she thought, Callie was smiling and laughing, just like the rest of them.
    And Lyric left, she was done.

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