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Noah groaned loudly, his girlfriend Callie wouldn't stop posting "Callliexnoah" on her snapchat and he was just getting annoyed. Sure, he and Callie were dating, and that was lit as hell. But did she really have to rub it in everyone's fucking face? No. She didn't. Because NO ONE CARES!
Noah threw his phone on the floor and screamed into his pillow, he sighed and threw that on the floor too. His phone rang and he checked it, he rolled his eyes and answered.
"Hey babe." He said fakely.
"Heyyyyy," Callie answered, "Guess what today is?!" She screamed.
Noah had to pull the phone away from his ear, "Jeez Cal. Calm down, what's today?" He asked in an annoying tone.
"Its our 1 year, 3 months and 8 day anniversary!" she screamed even louder.
Noah furrowed his eyebrows, Callie did this everyday. She would just use different numbers because, well, different days, "That great Cal." He said TRYING to show some sense of emotion. But he just didn't care anymore. The only reason he was still with Callie was because it helped him with his status. Not to mention that his best friend was ALWAYS busy fucking his girlfriend, Adri, senselessly into the floor. God, They really disgusted him.
"Cal, I gotta go eat," Noah lied. He didn't have to go eat. He didn't feel like eating. He was gonna go have a bite to eat with Abi anyway. It wasn't cheating, they were just going for a "friendly dinner."
"Ok babe. Bye, I love you," Callie sang into the phone.
"K, bye," he hung up, "FInally. Jesus, that girl can't shut her god awful mouth." he sulked.
He went to his fancy smanshy video game console and plugged in his fancy smanshy matching controller. He pressed on his favorite game, "pink princess unicorns." He would never tell anyone that he liked that game, it was too embarrassing. Plus, him being almost at the top of the whole highschool food chain, people finding out about this would bring him all the way down with the weird kid that no one liked. What was his name? Noah thought about it for a second, and then shrugged his shoulders. He really didn't care.
Noah played the game and ended falling asleep shortly after. He was woken up by someone shaking him awake, "Hmm? What?" he said tiredly. He looked up to see Abi.
"Oh hi," He said, his eyes widened and he quickly looked at the tv. Phew, he thought, it must've shut off.
"Are you... uh.. Are you ready to go?" She asked him nervously as she sat on the bed. Noah smiled. He thought that she was so cute. And he was gonna help her with her shyness
Noah nodded, "Uh, yeah, let me just get my shoes." He went to his closet and got his shoes and put them on, "Ok."
Abi got off the bed and went over to him. They left Noah's room and went downstairs. They made their way out to Noah's car and they drove to a restaurant. They talked and ate. Noah never realized how HOT Abi was, but she was a virgin. And it was really obvious
"So..." Abi started, "I- uh... IKindaSawWhatYouWerePlayingOnYourGame ," she said quickly.
Noah blinked. "What?"
Abi turned 5 shades redder "err.. Your pink unicorn game... thingy..."
Noah blushed a deep shade of red, Abi had seen his game and was asking him about it, "uhhhh," he scratched the back of his head nervously, "uhh, you- um, you saw that?"
Abi blushed and nodded, "'s ok, it's nothing to uh.. be embarrassed about," Abi told him.
Noah smiled softly, "Really?"
Abi nodded, she was obviously lying, OF COURSE HE SHOULD BE EMBARRASSED, IT WAS HILARIOUS! She should tell Callie- CALLIE! Abi started to freak out a little.
They finished dinner shortly after and then made their way out to Noah's car.
"So, uh, I really enjoyed dinner," Abi stated awkwardly.
"Ya, me too," Noah said, getting into the car. Abi got in the passenger seat and they drove off to Noah's house.
"So, uh- i'll see you later?" Abi asked
Noah nodded, and before he could stop himself he leaned in and kissed Abi, it was awkward cause well, he was pretty sure Abi had never kissed anyone in her life, or had sex. But, what happened next surprised him.
Abi climbed over and straddled him in his seat. He reclined it back so that the horn wouldn't honk.
"Let's go to the back," He mumbled in between kisses.
They both quickly scurried to the back and started having a heated out make out session. A few moments later things started to get sexual.
Noah took off Abi's shirt to reveal her beautiful lace bra, and he then carefully slid off her shorts as well, to reveal matching panties. Abi blushed hard, she's never been almost naked in front of a boy. Noah started to kiss down her neck, muttering "It'll be okay" between kisses. He got up, pulling his shirt and his pants off, and he smiled. "I'll go gentle on you"
"But what if someone sees?" Abi said.
"Shh.. they won't. I'll take care of you" Noah said softly, starting to kiss her deeply again. His hands roamed her body, unclipping her bra strap. He threw it on the floor, and he gently caressed her breast as he heard soft moans from her. He teased her as he kissed up and down her body, he stopped as he reached the inside of her thighs, and he looked up at Abi, who was flustered. He lifted his head up and kissed her softly while slowly rubbing her.
"You're so wet" Noah muttered between kisses.
He then took his boxers off, his erect dick springing out. Pulling her panties down, he teased her by rubbing his tip on her entrance, making her squeal a bit. He then slowly entered and stopped, seeing Abi bite her lip. He started into her beautiful eyes as he stayed there, letting Abi get used to the feeling. Abi nodded, begging him to go on. He started to slowly thrust into her, pushing her into the back seat. He started out slowly, to make Abi comfortable. Abi leaned her head back, biting her lip. It was painful at first, but Abi started to feel pleasure, and she started to moan, covering her mouth, but Noah uncovered it, taking her hands and pushing them up. Once Noah got into tempo with thrusting inside of her, he started to go a bit harder, which made Abi moan louder. Noah grunted, as he leaned down and kissed her harshly. He started to thrust faster, and Abi couldn't take it, it felt so good. She screamed in pleasure as she cummed, making Noah thrust even harder, as he came too.
By the end they were breathing heavily, Noah on top of Abi, both naked and covered in sweat. Noah chuckled nervously and slowly pulled out of Abi.
"Um..." he scratched his head, "That was...nice.." he said. God, what was he doing? He had a girlfriend. If Callie found out, bad things would happen to him. He was already terrified just thinking about it.
Abi cleared her throat and sat up, pulling her underwear up and putting her bra back on. She had just lost her virginity, TO HER CRUSH, WHO WAS TAKEN! She blushed and put her shorts and shirt back on.
Even though she had no idea what she was doing, that was the best sex she would probably ever have. Callie was one lucky girl. SHIT! Callie! What would Abi do if Callie found out? She'd be in HUGE trouble. She'd be embarrassed and ruined, not only that, she'd lose her rep and everyone would HATE her.
Abi and Noah must've fallen asleep, cause the next morning they were still in Noah's car, tangled together and still sweating from the previous night.
"Morning," Noah smiled at Abi. He brushed her hair from her face and she woke up.
"Hi," she said awkwardly. She had never been so embarrassed. What if Noah didn't actually like her and was just using her for a quick fuck? What if what they just did meant absolutely nothing to him?
She wouldn't be surprised, he was taken after all. She moved away from Noah and put the rest of her clothes on. "I'll see you later," She said quickly. She got out of Noah's car and went to her car, driving off.
Noah sighed, "Fuck," he said, "I have to call Callie." He reminded himself.
He got out of the car too, after putting his pants and shirt back on. He walked into his house and went to his room, changing in his pj's so Callie wouldn't suspect anything. It was Saturday anyway.
He quickly hopped in bed and called Callie.
"Hey babe!" Callie answered
"Hey," Noah replied.
"Can I come over today?" She asked him
Noah nodded, forgetting she couldn't see him, "Sure," he replied.
Callie smiled, "Yay! I'll be over in 3 minutes," she hung up and Noah sighed. He felt guilty but he really liked Abi, and she was better than Callie in so many ways. He didn't know what to do.
The doorbell rang a few moments later and Noah rushed downstairs, he opened the door and let Callie inside.
"Hey," He greeted with a kiss.
"Hi!" she replied, kissing him back
They went upstairs to his room and sat on his bed.
"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked
"Sure," she replied, they cuddled up together on the couch and began watching Glee
Throughout the movie, all Noah could think about was HOW MUCH BETTER ABI WAS COMPARED TO CALLIE. Callie smelled like feet, Abi smelled like roses.

damnnn abi gurllll you in some trouble

make sure to comment and vote 😘

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