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Good morning mom, dad, and Lacie," Abi chripped as she ran downstairs to eat breakfast. She wasn't much of an eater, but today was Sunday.  She wasn't going to miss this opportunity to bond with her family, especially since her big sister, Lacie, had came home from college yesterday.
    "Hi Abikins, what do you want to eat? We have a whole buffett" Abi's mom said, smiling.
    "Maybe some eggs and bacon I guess" Abi muttered quietly. She was scared of her weight, because it runs in her family to be on the thicker side. Some people think being thick is hot, but she thinks it's gross. What are the chances that she'll get made fun of? And what if they kick her out of the popular group? Although there's many other girls who have big butts and thick thighs, Abi would never want to compare to that. She wasn't skin and bones though, she considered herself the perfect size. And she liked it that way.
    "See mom? I told you that she's gonna be like that one girl on youtube one day... uhhh what's her name I totally forgot-" Lacie said.
    "I know who you're talking about and I'm not gonna be like her," Abi said, glaring at her sister.
    "She's probably dead."
    "She's perfectly healthy! She's getting rehab!!" Abi shouted back at her sister, making Lacie just nod her head and sip her oj, muttering a soft "That's what you think."
    Abi sighed, she didn't want her morning to go like this with her annoying sister.
    "Girls, it's okay. Please don't fight. Abigail, why don't you welcome your sister home instead of bickering?" their mom said, scooping more food on both of their plates. Abi sighed.
    "Lacie, how was your first year in college?" their mom asked, trying to change the subject. Lacie looked at her with a soft smile.
    "Err.. great!" Lacie said."I've met a lot of people, and I'm working on becoming a college professor!"
    Abi snorted, spilling her orange juice. "You're gonna be stuck in school forever" she chuckled. "Have fun giving lectures to dumbasses-"
    "ABIGAIL" her dad screamed. "Have some manners. Every time you see your sister, it's like you have this chip on your shoulder, and I don't like it. You too, Lacie. You both used to be the best of friends, and I don't know what happened over these past years, but you better fix it right here and now.
    Abi sighed. Her dad was right, she never acted like that when they were younger. She thought maybe it was because of the long distance connection and that Lacie has grown older. After all, Lacie was 19 and Abi was still 15. Although it doesn't seem like that big of a gap, she felt they were ways apart.
    She missed her sister.
    "I have to get to school," Abi said, standing up. She didn't feel like having a meltdown right now.
    "Bye Abigail," her family all said at the same time. This made Abi smile a little, she knew that her family didn't get mad easily, and if they did, they'd get over it just as fast as they got upset. She waved at them, gazing a little too long at her sister. She then walked out, just as Chris was pulling in her drive way. Abi looked down at her outfit. It really wasn't much. Just a grey long sleeve and some ripped jeans, and her normal, dirty, white converse. Tripp always joked and called her a "basic white bitch". Unfortunately, she did have the hair to live up to that stereotype. Her hair was kind of emo, but in a very odd way. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't cute either. She had jet black hair that came down to the top of her shoulder. She also had dark purple highlights which made her natural hair color pop, and bangs that only covered one eye. When she first styled her hair she thought she could maybe pull it off, but it wasn't working out. It's starting to grow out now though, to Abi's relief. She only wanted it because Adri had that style when they were in 9th grade. But Adri's hair has grown longer now, and it isn't spiky anymore. It's silky, shiny, and flows all the way down her back, which Abi adores.
    She was about the open the passenger door to Chris's car when the door sprung out and lunged her backwards. She held her stomach laughing as Chris ran towards her apologizing.
"It's okay," she laughed, holding her stomach.
"I'm sorry Abi, I was just trying to open it for you," Chris apologized.
"I guess that's what you get for trying to be a gentleman," she said, strapping her seatbelt.
    They were silent for most of the ride when Chris asked
"What's up with you and Eve?"
"Nothing, we just have a strange bond, y'know?" Abi responded.
"She's so shy, it's hard to talk to her sometimes. She always hides between her hoodie and she's such a soft speaker" Abi continues, looking out the window.
    "She used to talk a lot, but I guess she's at peace now" Chris muttered. Abi looked over at him.
"Yeah, she probably is" and the rest of the car ride was silent.
Everything was fine between them until they got to school, where Tripp began to scream at them.
"Shut up, Tripp, you're scaring poor Eve" Abi said, going over to Eve and holding her. Abi was taller than majority of the girls in school, standing at almost 6 feet, just a little shorter than Chris- and mostly all the boys. She was really insecure about her height. Not a lot of clothes were made for tall girls, and all her friends were like midgets. Especially with Lyric almost being the head cheerleader and the flyer on the squad, and Adri, the primadonna of this whole school. But they're both the same height, and Abi only wishes to be short, so boys can call her cute and girls can be slightly less intimidated.
    When Abi got to the lockers, she looked in both directions seeing Lyric on one side and Adri on the other. She turned to go to another locker bank, but Chris and his friends were there. It was hard having two friends who completely hated each other, and friends who weren't even on the social scale. There was just so much drama happening. Callie was dating Noah, but Lyric likes Callie, and Lyric is Chord's sister, and Adri HATES Lyric, and Callie and Adri are BEST FRIENDS. And Callie is also on the cheer team, head cheerleader, but soon resigning her spot. Adris' leaving too, but she's kinda pissed at Callie for not making her the captain, which caused a fight between them. Not only that, Emma likes Chord too. Noah is the captain of the lacrosse team and is BEST friends with Chord, and he plays lacrosse as well. Adri has a personality disorder while Callie is crazy, probably narcissistic, who knows? But it's weird, because Adri seems to be the top dog, while Callie is her second in command. No wonder they get along. And get this:
    Chord might propose to Adri, butwe're SOPHOMORES IN HIGH SCHOOL. And if Lyric finds out about this, she's gonna FLIP!
    None of this has anything to do with Abi, but she's a total part in the drama.
    She fucked Noah when she didn't mean to. She was just so deprived that she NEEDED to. It's such a sticky situation that she wished she could forget, but it's hard because Abi has a hard crush on Noah. Callie and Abi are great friends, so she sees Noah a great amount of times, and she sits at their lunch table a lot because Callie gets mad when she sits with Chris, because y'know-
    They're kinda lame- at least, that's what Callie thinks.
    Abi looks down at herself, leaning against her locker with her laptop in her arms. What if I'm lame? She asked herself. She had no idea why she's even popular. She doesn't live in mansions like Adri, Callie, Lyric, Noah and the rest of them. She doesn't wear fancy clothes- better yet, she doesn't even own fancy clothes, and she doesn't even have her own car. She wondered what everyone saw in her that she couldn't see in herself. She was early to school, so she headed to the commons and sat at one of the lunch tables. There was no one there besides the lunch lady, and a few struggling students who were entering sulking through the door. She thought about how awful she is for potentially ruining a bunch of friendships- not to mention, be gossiped about, lose her rep, and lose Chris- Chris.
    Abi's stomach got butterflies, she was crushing on Chris, like, hard as well. She didn't know what to do, because people would for sure look at her like she's crazy if they ever dated. This school is built on reputation and money, if you aren't popular- then you don't matter. And Abi wants to matter, she loves being popular-
    Who doesn't?
    Chris is not of any social status, and he's an easy target for people lashing out on him. Abi doubts that people bully because they just feel like it. She thinks it's because there's so much hate going around, it's hard to NOT wanna take it out on someone merely defenseless, but Abi still thinks that's rude. There's so many other ways to stop all of this, and everyone can become friends. Abi remembers when she tried to tell Lyric about it, and all she said was
    "Without these social ranks you keep talking about, everyone will be equal, and although race, sexuallity, gender, and religion is considered equality here, that doesn't mean your rank here could be. NO ONE here wants to be equal, because that'll be boring. Everyone wants to be better than one another. But remember this: absolute power corrupts absolutely. Think about Callie and Adri. Now tell me if we really have the option to be equal now?"
    Abi nodded, thinking hard about it. It's true, some people do have absolute power, and the only reason no one has ever stopped them is because they're so used to having them in power, that it doesn't even matter at this point. If not that, they're being sentimental towards two mentally sick girls. Because they- or at least Callie, uses her sickness as an advantage, but Abi doubts that she can actually control it. They both suffer horribly from it, especially Adri. Maybe THAT'S why Chord takes care of her so much. Abi nods to herself again, hearing the first period bell ring, and she's on her way to history. She then goes to second, and third, which is science, and she LOVES it because she actually has friends in that class.
    "Hi Abigail," Eve said, catching up to her.
    "Hi Evangeline," Abi chuckeld. They always use their full names with each other. They both then head into the classroom, where Lyric and Emma are sitting. Abi and Eve sit behind them, and they turn around starting small talk before the teacher gets here.
    "Aren't you good friends with Callie?" Emma asks, looking directly at Abi.
    "Oh..err, yes... why?" Abhi says cautiously.
    Emma then gets on her knees, putting her elbows on the desk, coming closer to Abi, she then whispers "Can you set Lyric and Callie up on a date?"
    Abi's eyes go wide. A date? 
    "Umm... that's impossible y-you know. Uhh, Callie has a boyfriend and she's um.. shes's straight" Abi says, mentally punches herself. She's not good at talking to all her friends, besides Eve, Chris, and Tripp.
    "And?" Emma says.
    "I-I don't want to um start any drama.. Err.. I'm just- I'm so sorry" Abi says, taking a breath of relief as she finally finishes her sentence. She's so shy, it's not even funny. She could feel her ears burn, she knew she was blushing from embarrassment, like usual. Lyric then got out her seat, and Eve looked up at her. Lyric whispered something to Abi.
    "I know what you and Noah did" She said, smiling.
    Abi's eyes got wide, and her mouth opened. She was in shock and had no words, she only shook her head slowly.
    "I suggest you try to get me and Callie together or- haha, your secret will be out. You have until next Monday" Lyric said, smiling. She went back to her seat as Eve looked at Abi with raised eyebrows. Abi didn't want to say anything, she put her head on her desk and started to silently cry to herself. She can't believe how she got herself into such a mess, and she's pretty sure that Eve is planning something against her, too. They were never great friends.
    This was a sticky situation that Abi can't get herself out of without someone getting hurt.
    But the real question is: Who?

lyric is such a bitch that's why Adri treated her ass in the first chapter 🤣

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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