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"I fucking hate school. Yes, I know it's important, but does it look like I care?" Chris yelled at his parents.
"Okay, Chris, we understand, but you're too young to drop out." His mom replied. She put her hand on his lap and he slapped it away.
"Go talk to Henry," She said, as she got up. "You're very very lucky that I'm letting you talk like this, only because Calliope and Adrianna ruined your day." His mother sighed, she put her hand on her hip and she grabbed the towel that she left on the couch and walked back to the kitchen and started to clean up again. Chris watched her clean while sitting in silence. He wished he was different. He isn't well fit, but he at least thinks he's good looking. Callie and Adri are such bitches, they aren't even friends, but they act like they can't live without each other, and all they do is ruin peoples lives.
Chris is tall and fairly handsome. He's had several girlfriends so he's not a complete loser. He's nice and pretty smart yet Callie and Adri just can't seem to see the good in him. He just doesn't understand why they hate him so much. This is pretty much the first time that Adri has ever even said a single word to him, actually, this is the first time she's even looked at him. But Callie? She's been tormenting him since forever. This is the first time it got this bad. Callie came over and greeted him nicely at first. She then walked away and he felt something hot on him. He started to scream and burn once he realized that she put pure ink from a pen on him. He was allergic to something in it and it was horrible. He started thrashing and screaming at Adri and Callie as they made fun of him, calling him a "whore" and a "child molester." He was confused about that, but he didn't care. He got up and went upstairs. He wasn't feeling well and he really didn't want to go to school. He went into his room and picked up a framed photo of himself, tears starting to form.
He snapped out of it when he heard his mom calling out to him.
"Yeah?" he screamed back.
"Chris, it's Tripp, you left your phone downstairs- Hi Tripp, how are you? That's great, hun! Don't worry, Chris will be down in a second."
Chris ran downstairs in a flash, grabbing his phone from the table, smiling a little at his mom, giving her a silent thank you.
"Hello?" Chris asked.
"Dude, I got a new haircut, do you like it?" Tripp said. His voice was raspy, and it always sounded like he was going to lose it. He tells people that he's just born that way, but Chris really knows that he's just been smoking since he was a kid.
"Yeah it's ok" Chris said, as he received the picture. He checked the time, it was only one something. "What period are you in?" Chris asked.
"Tsk, band, but it's hella boring, so I ditched" Tripp replied. "Anyways, why aren't you at school? Your friends miss you."
"My friends, as in these random kids who pretend to like me but still are under the reign of Adri" he states.
"Ah, now I know why you left. Don't give her any thought, she's a bitch, she'll understand one day how dumb she is, once she dies, at least. Besides, she's like crazy, remember, she used to be at a mental hospital but now she's tryna act all normal, like NO ONE can remember that she has like schizophrenia or something." Tripp said, shrugging his shoulders, only to stop midway, since Chris can't see him.
"Ok and, there's that" Chris says "but everyone is still scared of her ass. And Chord, our other quote unquote best friend is Adri's boyfriend. Noah is Callie's boyfriend too, and somehow, our lovely, trusted lady of the group, Abi, made her way into Adri's posse. Like what are we supposed to do? People are being brainwashed by this chick and no one realizes. Even Callie is Adri's bitch, and it's CALLIE we're talking about" Chris ranted. "The only sane people are us and Eve"
"I think you're overreacting a little bit," Tripp mumbled. "You can't blame Chord for his personal interest, like they actually seem to be in love with each-"
"Yeah, that's because she BRAINWASHED HIM! Since when did Chord have a perfect relationship? He's so bad at keeping girls, like, I'm pretty sure he got ST-"
"Ok, Chris, Chord is not a man-whore. He's just yet to have a fundamental and sustainable relationship, but he's going great with Adri if you could just lo-"
"I don't need-"
"I don't need to listen to you Tripp-"
"I said no"
Tripp rolled his eyes, seeing people start to leave the classroom. "I gotta go, I'll call you back, ok?"
"Sure" Chris said, hanging up the phone and throwing it on his bed, just as he jumped in it. It's been a long day, and he's pretty sure that his mom is gonna make him go to school tomorrow.

And correct he was. He was currently in the shower, after his mom banged open his door and flew him off the bed by taking his blankets and sheets off. And after a moment of arguing, Chris's mom slapped him and told him to man up. And now he's getting ready to plunge into a hellhole.
"I highly pity and disregard myself for this" He mumbled to himself as he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. He had just washed his hair, and didn't feel like doing anything to it anyways, so he just left it as is. He had dirty blonde hair, with a few golden tips from previously bleaching it. He got dressed in something simple, a t-shirt and cargo pants. Nothing super rich or shit, he didn't really care about that. He then walked downstairs to find his mom already down, watching tv. She had something in her hand, it looked like a glass of wine, and Chris shook his head on the way out. Tripp was in his car, a Nissan. Chord was next to him, and Abi and Evangeline surprisingly came along.
Chris was slightly confused of what Chord was doing there, he's usually with his girlfriend and all the other popular dickheads. He never hangs out with them as much anymore. He ignored it though, and smiled at everyone. "
Did you do your homework?" Evangeline asked with a soft voice, Chris almost couldn't hear her.
"No" he said. He didn't feel like it.
"You can copy mine" she said as Tripp parked. The school wasn't far from his house, so they arrived there quickly. Chris turned to thank Eve, but she was gone before he could even say "Thank you." Abi laughed,
"She's really shy, but extremely nice"
"I bet," he laughed. Chris then looks over at Tripp. He's not really sure how they became friends. Chris doubted anyone would believe they even hung out if they hadn't already seen them together. Tripp is a cool guy though, and Chris was glad that he even got to be his friend. He turns over to Abi. She's a sweet girl, but she's highly flammable. Meaning she can go off in minutes if you push the right buttons. Chris loves that girl, she's his best friend, and he hopes that someday, she'll be his future girlfriend as well.
"Hey Abi" Chris asks.
"Yeah?" she replies.
"Wanna hang today? Your choice?" He says, biting his lip.
She looks up at Chris, her eyes getting brighter and wider, "of course I want to go! What the heck!? Is that even a question?" She screams, laughing.
Chris just smiles, and suddenly, he's glad that he went to school.
Eve was behind them, her hand clutching her chest. She won't let Abi steal her man.

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