Just a bunch of aus

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I have scoured the internet and created a list of aus. Tell me which ones you'd like me to expand on!

Also, alphebetized.


J - Jeffles

G - Good

E - Either

B - Both

N - Not character specific

Alien AU - J

Alien invasion AU - N

All human AU - N

Amnesia AU - E

Angel AU  - J

Apocalypse AU - N

Arranged Marriage AU - N

Arranged Marriage AU but not marrying each other - N

Assassin AU - G

Atlantis AU - N

Blind AU - E

Bodygaurd AU - G

Bounty Hunter AU - G

Celebrity AU - E/B

Childhood Friends AU - N

Coffee Shop AU (i love these sm)

College Roomates AU - N

Cult AU (cult: less summon a demon. Good: i dont have time for this so im just gonna kill yall-)

Cyborg AU - E

Deaf AU - E

Demigod AU - E

Demon Hunter AU - J

Detective AU - E / B

Egypt AU - N

Immortal AU - E, preferrably G but i will do J too(I love the whole trope of: Powerful immortal being toying with mortal being in a hostile manner becomes powerful immortal being cannot- cannot what? Just cannot- whenever the mortal being does something cute.)

Imprinting AU - N/G 

Harry Potter AU - N (Coughs in Ravenclaw)

Maid AU - E

Magician AU - J

Medieval AU - N (I can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but not medieval...)

Medium AU - J (since I headcanon that Good can see ghosts anyway, as he is demon)

Mermaid AU - J

Monster Hunter/Monster Tamer AU - J

Royalty AU - E/B

- Soulmate AUs will have an entire seperate chapter i have so many. I even made one myself.

Telepathic AU - E

Vampire / Vampire Hunter AU - J / G 

Werewolf AU - J

(Non alphabetized) Longer au names

You accidentally saved my life now I wont leave you alone AU 

Hey so I was frozen in an iceberg a few hundred years ago and now everything is all futuristic, what the -redacted- please help AU

Hey so I am a curse from that really old antique you got that's supposed to either kill you or make your life miserable but I think you're a cool person AU

I almost died and i need to be in a hospital but I really want to see you and i hate doctors AU

Minecraft Mob AUs (I need to make a whole bit on this)

okay I'll add more if I find more so if I'm missing anything tell me (I spent like an entire hour on this.)

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