Blind! AU

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I'm probably gonna end up doing so much more research than I have to for this

Or too little.

Please correct me if I do anything insulting in this, that is not the intent

this is honestly more stuff about blind people than Jefhalo stuff I'm sorry-

Requested by: Plnkponda

So I've done some research and frankly, I don't think much would change if either of them were blind. They would, however, probably use text to speech to read things on the internet. They would not likely wear sunglasses unless they were light sensitive due to their type of blindness, since Good and Jef wouldn't likely wear sunglasses in general. Its unlikely their eyes would look different from how they do currently, unless they had severe cataracts or something. 

Basically, it's not too much different from normal Jefhalo-

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