Part 3

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"Sorry for the delay, thank you for waiting." He states monotony. "The period for new hunter applicants has officially closed. So with no further a due, the hunter exams will now begin."



Grunts could be heard around the no longer enclosed tunnel.

"One final word of caution. If you're short on luck," it's as though he were speaking directly to me. "Or ability," Never mind. "Keep in mind there is a very real chance you could end up seriously injured. Death is another distinct possibility. If you're willing to accept the risks involved I'll ask you to follow me now, but for the wrest of you" He gestured toward the door. "Kindly exit through the elevator located behind you."

No one moved, staring intensely at the so called examiner. Well how was I supposed to leave now? I wouldn't allow anyone to think less of me by leaving, since I'm already here, and I can't loose without the same outcome applying. I pout cutely concluding the only option is to just complete the hunter exam. For what it's worth it wouldn't hurt to receive a hunter license either, it could only help broaden my expandability.

What I didn't notice was a certain pin cushion had noticed my presence and had been staring at me since my arrival. Nor did I perceive another set of eyes staring intently at my puffed up cheeks.

Kurapika POV

So cute...

I was only in a trance for a moment before I felt an intimating bloodlust being directed towards me. I shivered, someone wasn't in a good mood.

The white haired girl, I now know as Yui, seems to notice too. I barely catch her expression as my attention is redirected to the examiner who had begun his walk 'can it even be called walk? Is the another word for what he does, stride maybe?' Further into the tunnel but did notice a hint of surprise on her face at whatever she had seen.

Like all the other applicants I followed the examiners slow pace, Yui following suit, though her head seemed to be in the clouds. Knowing how rude it is to pry, but still being curious as to whether what she had seen would affect me directly, I pondered my options. But seeing the look of deep thought on her face I let her be.

Instead focusing my attention on gaining more speed seeing as the crowd had begun to go faster.

No ones POV

As everyone began to speed up Yui noticed another head of white hair in the crowd talking to Gon and Leorio.


(Sorry it was short, I don't really have a schedule for when I publish, so sorry about that.)

Yui ZoldyckWhere stories live. Discover now