Part 4

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No ones POV

Yui's eyes began to sparkle as she caught sight of the Albino male.

Killus turned around hearing his name being called, not appreciating being interrupted when he'd finally found someone his age to talk to.

"Ehhh! Yui!" Killua yelled. Gon tilted his head in an adorable manner.

"Hey Kil, what you doing here? I don't think mother and father would be too happy that you're participating in the hunter exam." Yui pondered, no aggression or accusation could be heard in her voice. This calmed some of Killua's nerves. Gon just running alongside the siblings still trying to process the situation with no knowledge of the pair.

"You're one to talk!" Killua barked. "You can't say anything since your here too!"

"Not my fault! I just wanted the stake combo..." Yui states sadly, anime crying.

Like this \/

Killua glowers at her for a moment before turning to Gon who had smoke coming out of his ears

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Killua glowers at her for a moment before turning to Gon who had smoke coming out of his ears.

"How do you accidentally participate in the hunter exam?" Gon asked innocently. Omg the child is adorable.

"Long story short? I've been in someone's basement for the last couple days and let me tell you, there is literally no food in there! Like who only keeps canned tuna in their basement when it's obviously the perfect place to hide a secret stash of sweets or start you own liquor business. Like, don't let the basement go to waste!" Yui continued to ramble on very slowly making her way through her story, leaving out the more gruesome details until finally they are all caught up. Or so she thought. Gon had tried to listen like the good little boy that he is but got lost half way through and just nodded at everything she said. Killua however was putting no effort into hiding his disinterest and the fact that he'd stopped listening. Although it seemed Yui was used to it as she paid him no mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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