In the world of tpn

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Ray glanced over at Emma they had already made a new promise. well EMMA had made a new promise. she also convinced Norman and his teammates to join us and according to the promise all the cattle children can go to the human world now, there are not many chances of a drawback but still, he is feeling uneasy, he just doesn't know why?

Well, this is a win-win situation for both, the demon can have intelligence without eating humans as well as a good and kind ruler , Mujika , human on the other hand can live without the fear of getting eaten by a demon but still.... this doesn't feel right.

"Ray are you alright ?"Emma asked

Ray realized that he has deep in thought for a while now

"It's nothing," ray said while patting Emma's head. yeah it's probably NOTHING .he might be feeling uneasy about this because he thought that they never will be able to do this

He smiled at himself .yes they had changed the world.

He this time glanced at Norman and Emma .they both had sacrificed themselves many times for others but this time he will protect them

"Then let's go," Emma said with a smile

"Yeah let's go " ray smiled back

Everyone held each other hands.

In human world

Phil was the first one to wake up. He looked around and realized that they were in the in human world, tears rolled down his eyes .he then went to wake up ray who was beside him.

"Ray!!!! Ray!!!! Wake up! We are in the human world !!" Phil said while shaking him

Ray woke up and sat not realizing what is happening. Phil hugged him "ray we are in the human world" ray was not able to hide his smile and a single tear rolled down his eyes.

We are in ..... human world, we..... did it.

He gave Phil a quick hug and let go him

"Phil, where are Norman and Emma?" He asked, he wanted to meet them, hug them, maybe cry as well but Phil tilted his head in confusion

"Ray, who are you talking about? Who are Norman and Emma ?" Ray's eyes widened, Phil was closest to them .he wouldn't joke about this.

"Don't worry about it " ray said while he patted his head.

Soon after everyone woke up .ray asked everyone about them but their answer to this was the same .some even asked who they are but ray just said "don't worry about it "

Soon after Ratri family leader come and said that they will take responsibility for the cattle children.

10 hours after

Ray was quiet the whole time except for the time where he was talking about their living arrangements with ratri's family leader .they all are going to Live in a big mansion where children up to 12 will have their room and children who are 12 or below will have to share a room with someone else.

All children were having dinner. Gilda, Don, and Phil looked at each other .they are worried about ray .yes ray was usually quiet but his silence was comfortable but this silence was very uncomfortable.

After finishing dinner ray was going to his assigned room but was stopped by Gilda Don, and Phil.

"Just who are Norman and Emma !??" Gilda said

Ray opened his mouth to say something but closed it again .he was thinking if he should tell them or not. He then decides to play it safe (A/N by this I mean that he will tell them in a way only he will identify them )

"In my first outing with Yugo, I met Norman and Emma, they helped me to get to the goldy pond, I suggested that they should come to the shelter with me but they declined my offer saying that they had few kids to take care of. we part our ways after that. even if it was for a small amount of time I spent with them, I got pretty close to them .so I was worried about them " ray said with a sad smile.

Gilda gave him a tired smile, she held ray hands and looked into his eyes "don't worry, we will find them "

Don patted ray back violently "yeah, don't worry "

"Now that this is over I will go back to my room. we will start looking for them tomorrow, good night " Gilda said leaving her room ." good night " Don followed after her.

"Phil why don't you go to your room with Anna, good night," ray said as he starts to leave for his room.

But Phil holds ray sleeve turning his attention to him, Phil looked at him with watery eyes "ray ...... You are lying to us, right ?"

Ray was taken aback by that but he lower himself to his level and hugged him " no I am not lying to you "



"Ok I will go back to my room then, good night" Phil leave but turn his one more time to say something "don't worry, we will find them"

ray smiles and wave his hand to Phil "yeah..... good night" 

Ray turned around and went to his room. Right now he was feeling more determined than ever. He will find them or at least find a way to contact them once.


Finally, this chapter is over. I am tried

Anyway, the first few chapters will be about ray

After that, I will start the main story

If you enjoyed this then comment, vote, and add this to favorites it helps a lot.

Also, the mad Hatter song fits ray, right? I mean I can't be the only one who thinks that.


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