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The pro hero eraser head, principal nezu, and the kids were in the principal office right now. This slightly confused norman and Emma, there should be that all might person here right now but he not is here, are they planning for an ambush they both thought while having an unreadable expression on their face.

"Nice to meet you, for what I heard your names are Emma and norman, correct?" Nezu asked and the kids nodded their heads " I am nezu, principal of U.A and this person right here " pointing to Aizawa " is one of the teachers here and also the one who found you, Mr. Aizawa can you take it from here? "

"Yeah, so as I told you before I am the one who found you in the middle of the woods and you looked pretty roughed up and therefore I decided to bring you here, at UA, the school for Rising heroes to keep you safe but I want to ask why you were in such a... state?" Aizawa asked skeptically, now doubting why they were so calm in this situation, normally people especially kids will not be able to stay calm in this situation but they were and they also seem to be observe... No analyzing might fit better here. they were analyzing this situation and were acting accordingly.

Norman spoke," yes I would like to tell you that but I want to ask something first, you see when I was put in bed I was awake for a brief moment, and during that time I heard a voice that did not belong to either of you and I would like to know whose voice it was?"

"Oh you might be talking about all might he had to leave since there is an accident and they needed his help there " Nezu answered

"I see , to keep the long story short we are from different world" Norman stated bluntly.

"Wh-" Aizawa and Nezu said union, that is until Emma cut them off "before you assume things ,let us explain on how we got here "

Emma and Norman explained everything leaving out few details like Norman being experimented on , Emma almost losing her life or them killing demons.

As Aizawa and Nezu listened more to their story more shocked and horrified they became . Children were raised just to become cattle for demons and losing their lives between 6-12 and the one who managed to survive were forced to work for demons. No one should go through this , especially kids .

As Emma and Norman comes to the end of the story, they both give out a huge sigh as if a huge burden on their shoulder was taken off , as much as Norman didn't want to admit it, it felt good, discussing their story with adults, adults who were any enemy form the world they come from.

"Do you proof for what you said" Nezu spoke.

Both kids looked at two adults' expression, they believed there story even if they asked for proof .

Which is true, their story was to detailed to be fake but they don't want to believe this , they don't to believe that this kids and their friends went through hell like that , children should be protected and grow up in safe and healthy environment until they are old enough to take care of themselves.

"I believed you would question us "Norman stated "Emma" he looked at emma so she could continue.

Emma pushed the hair behind her left ear showing roughly cutted ear "this ear was the one that had tracker in, unfortunately I had to cut it so i could escape but Norman still have deactivated tracker in his ear , you can feel it if you try "

"Mr. Aizawa , can you please confirm it ?" Nezu asked "sure" Aizawa answered

Aizawa walked to Norman side and held out his hand "may i ?" He asked "of course " he lightly pinched his ear and Emma was right, there was something small in his ear, possibly a tracker .

So they were telling the truth after all . He tells Nezu that they are telling the truth.

For minutes there was nothing but silence in the office. Nezu was the First one to break it " from the world you came from, you must know importance of information and opening up about this must mean that you are willing to trust us? "

"Of course, you both seem like good people, and we are smart enough to escape if something happened "Emma said cheerfully while her eyes were cold, it was as if she was warning them if they try to hurt them there will be consequences.

Nezu was in shock did he just got threatened by a kid ? Room was silent once again, this time one who broke it was Aizawa " alright we should stop this for now , for now , kids can stay with me "

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