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A monster has emerged from the depths of earth, instantly causing carnage as it destroys Metropolis in its wake. The army intercepted, firing everything they had. The images of the explosions are captured by Lance Hedburg of the Daily Planet. "Tell me you got that?!" He exclaimed. His cameraman replied, "I got it."

The world watched as the event unfolded on televisions across the country.

The president briefs Batman while on route, on what has happened, asking for Superman's assistance and whereabouts. Batman claimed he will be there, that he has never let them down before. After their briefing, Wonder Woman explains that they had never seen nor heard from him in months. That it was possible he may have left for good.

In the midst of the destruction, the Justice League intervene the creature. Thinking they stopped the monster, it rises once more, only more agitated. Meanwhile, our caped hero struggles with his demons, facing a crisis of his own. Having to watch his father die before his eyes, he was hopeless to save him. And in that period, Superman disappeared leaving the world and the Justice League behind on their own and in turmoil.

Batman along with the League threw everything at the creature. It was relentless as it battled, it killed many and the numbers were only climbing. One by one the League tried and failed hopelessly. Batman could do nothing but watch his friends fall at the hands of this doomsday creature. Batman's faith in Superman began to eat away at him, feeling lost and alone, he was last man standing, fighting the monster hand to hand. Battered and beaten, the beast easily tossed him aside. Mistakenly assumed dead, an unlikely foe shows up.

"Hello Batsy, hahahaha,"

"Joker! I should have known you'd be behind this." Batman spat.

"You got me all wrong, Batsy. We've come to help."

"It's not like you Joker!"

"I know, I know. But I do like a change in my game. What do you say, Batsy. Are you ready to crash this party?" Joker extended his hand toward Batman.

The President was stunned, as well the entire country. Having to watch the Justice League fall, the creature was unstoppable as it diminished the League. Now facing a difficult decision, different matters unfold. Being pressured by the men in black, operation star fox was implemented. Was this the end? Is there no hope? Could it have been possible Superman had faced off with this unstoppable menace and lost? The world holds their breath.

"Harley my dear," Joker turned to face her grinning. "Be doll and gather his friends."

"I didn't come here to clean, snookums. I can handle the big guns." She withdrew her pistol.

"I know you can dollface, but it would mean alot if you do." He ran his finger along her jawline snickering.

"Okay, puddings." Harley pouted. "Bane, I need you to move that pole and bus. And Cat Woman, search for Green Lantern."

Bane turned to face Joker, "You heard the lady, help out around here, haha" Joker giggled.

"Harley," Cat Woman implored.

"What!" Harley huffed.

"What do we do with them, when we find them?"

"Just keep looking! God she's such a party pooper." She glanced at Bane.

The twisted metal from the bus screeched on the pavement as Bane pulled it away from the building. There was Wonder Woman, lying in the rubble. Her hair was twisted and matted over her face. Harley held her breath as she stood over her. "Cat Woman, I foun...." She yelped as something snatched her ankle. It was Wonder Woman's hand, grasping onto her. Harley's eyes widened, "Cat Woman!" She shouted. "It's Wonder Woman. She's alive... Wonder Woman is alive!"

Superman/Batman  Doomsday Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now