Duty Calls

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"It is truly a sad day in Metropolis as it seems nothing can stop this..." A reporter begins his intro before his cameraman interrupts.

"Cecile look, what is that over there?" the cameraman turns from the reporter and films what he spotted. His image is blurry at first as he zooms in.

"It's probably a bird Craig;" the reporter sighs as he combs his hair, "now make sure you capture my right side."

"That's not a bird Cecile. It's..." the camera's lens focuses and Craig is stunned. His mouth hung open, "It's Superman!"

"No freaking way!" the reporter spun around and beheld in wonderment. "Keep rolling, keep rolling. Are we on? Are we on? Okay roll it..." he clears his throat and the breaking news, "Good evening folks, I'm Cecile Sanchez live here on location with my trusted cameraman, Craig Billington. And Superman, I repeat, Superman is alive and well. It appears he is carrying what looks to be Wonder Woman, yes its Wonder Woman and another civilian. Superman let them go and oh wait; now she holds onto him, but I wish I knew what they are talking about. Now he's departing and heading back towards Metropolis, there he goes, off to fight this monster I believe. Damn I wish we had a chopper. You heard it here first folks. Superman is back, he's back!" Cecile fist pumps the air, "Yeah Superman! Woo!"

The streets around the bay echoes with cheers, as people viewed it on television. In New York, the crowd roars as they watch on the big screen. In Washington, the streets are filled with cheers, Argentina, the crowd thunders and around the globe; people are joyful for the return of Superman.


As Superman touches the ground, he gazes at Cat Woman, "Promise me, you will look after her." Cat Woman nodded.

Superman then turned and was about to leave before Cat Woman grabbed his forearm, "Superman wait," she looked into his eyes and tears rolled down her face. "You mustn't go, it's too dangerous."

He held her hand in his and held it against his chest, "My father once said to me, this S in Kryptonion is a symbol for 'hope'."

"I'm scared Superman. I'm afraid for Batman and I'm afraid for you!" she wept as she gazed into his eyes.

He gave her a sincere smile. "It's my duty to stop this Doomsday menace, it's why I was sent here and I'm sorry it took me so long to understand it. It's my fight, not Batman's." he let go of her hand and turned; he elevated into the air and hovered for a moment, he cocked his head slightly, "It ends here, tonight. You have my word." and then propelled for Metropolis.

Superman/Batman  Doomsday Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now