Cloak of Fear

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Upon arriving into Metropolis, Superman hovered above in bewilderment. The wreckage he was looking at was horrendous. And his heart hammered against his chest as tears formed onto the rims of his eyes, he wiped at them with the palms of his hands. The feeling he had, felt as though his chest were about to explode. The jolt of it all surged through him like a lightning bolt.

Slowly he descended to earth and then stood gaping at what was once, Metropolis. It was exactly like in his dreams, the world under fire, surrounded in total darkness, a rampant beast and a city in ruins. Fear began to cloak him, weakening him, like kryptonite.

The sky was covered in black smoke as ashes fell like snowflakes. No light filtered through, and fire blazed here and there. Outbursts filled the air and the ground shook snapping him awake from his nightmares. The roar of the monster thundered. He scanned the area of debris, he looked at his hand, slowly turning it and then cupping it into a fist. Resentment and confusion began to rise within him, he could have stopped this from happening but his train of thoughts and his nightmares had derailed him. What bothered him most was the death of his father, how he felt hopeless that he failed to save him and more tears rolled down his face as he tilted his head skyward in anguish.

He had returned to earth, to face his demons. The monster he dreamed of since he was little. He returned to earth to save humanity. It was his destiny to stop this destruction once and for all. But was he too late? More explosions thundered in the distance, along with a single roar.

He had hoped he was not too late, as he scoured the area hoping to spot any sign of her. He listened for her heart beat, but he could not trace Wonder Woman's whereabouts. He wanted so desperately to hear her, like he had heard them cry, like he had heard them plea. His thoughts ran wild as he strode among the debris. Their cries, echoed within him, Batman blaming him for abandoning them, Green Lantern screaming for Flash, and he even heard Wonder Woman scream. He had heard the cries from innocent people, the prayers from innocent children. He had heard them all, and along with his friends. He had heard all die in vain. His heart sunk to the pit of his stomach and with his head down; he strolled along thinking of them. Friends whom had tried so hard to save the city of Metropolis, they had tried so hard to save countless lives.

"No... please, please don't let me be too late. Please..." he pleaded as he stared into darkness.

The smell of smoke and charred metal sifted in the air. Standing there thinking of them, his cape flapped in the wind and tingles crawled on the surface of his skin like spiders. His beliefs and emotions toyed with him; he had never felt this way before. Never felt so lost, and he never felt so much pain.

Thinking of the people, he muttered to himself, "Will they ever forgive me?" His eyes panned the destruction the beast left behind. His bottom lip quivered. Fighting back the tears... he choked again, "How could you let this happen? They depended on you." he snivelled. "They've called to you... pleading... what have I done? What have I done? You have to make it right; you have to make it right." he wiped at his eyes once more.

He had hoped the people still had faith in him, believed in him as he had struggled and lost his way battling his inner demons, his nightmares. For they overshadowed him at one point, believing the people will not forgive him of his wrongs, for his mistakes. He believed he would be an outcast.

A thump pumped into his ears, followed by several other vibrating sounds that broke him free of his deranged thoughts. He listened for it again, and more rhythms followed. More pulsating sounds came from within the earth. It was heart beats. Not one but two or more.


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