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The monster boomed and it smacked the earth's floor with its giant fist, hurling a shockwave toward the retreating army; the bombshell brought more towering buildings down, collapsing onto the defenceless army. Screams echoed as the unguarded soldiers were showered with concrete. White smoke mixed with black clouds plumed and carpeted the area and only the thunder of the monster was heard as the view littered television sets around the globe.


Harley stooped down to help Wonder Woman, and as she removed more rocks off of the injured hereon, she was stunned by what she had seen next. A large piece of metal stuck out from her abdomen. Wonder Woman moaned and then cried in pain as Harley put her hands on the piece of metal. The scream pierced Cat Woman's ears as she twisted around with concern, her heart dropped as she didn't know what to do. And her thoughts drifted. Is this how they are going to die? Is this end of mankind? Superman... where is Superman? Her eyes blurred as her emotions began to run wild. She felt afraid for Wonder Woman, feared for her death, she feared Superman had abandoned them and all she could think of next was, Batman. Her heart raced as her life, the moment and the sight of it all struck her. This is it. She thought and she wanted to feel Batman's embrace before she went, to feel the warmth of his body, and feel his beating heart against her chest. Feel his lips on hers. If she was going to die, she wanted it to be in his arms.

Her feelings for the dark knight began to pour out. And she needed him so, how much she yearned for him and the very thought of him held her together. She snapped from her daze and instructed Bane to haul Green Lantern over to the building they were using.

She held onto Bane and quietly said, "I want you to go and keep an eye on Batman for me. Keep him out of harm's way, like a guardian angel." he nodded. And after he done his duty, Cat Woman looked up at him, "I appreciate what you are going to do, but if... if I don't make it. Can you tell him for me, I love him?" Bane stood over her and he gently caressed her face and then put his hand on her head and nodded yes.

She watched as Bane left, he heart tugged at her. She put her head down for a moment, shutting her eyes, she whispered, "Please God, let me embrace him one last time." she then moved toward the scene where Harley and Wonder Woman were, she looked down on both as she was shocked to see the critical condition Wonder Woman was in.

The building creaked and the vibrations were felt. Cat Woman darted her eyes upward, "I don't think we have much time. We have to get her to safety."

"We can't move her; she may be pinned to the wall." Harley craned her head slightly.

"The building is giving away, we have to move her, and we have no choice. Now come on. Grab an arm." Cat Woman paced forward.

"We can't!" Harley rose and stepped in front of her. "There's metal shrapnel piercing her stomach. If we move her, we might do more harm than good. We might... we might kill her." she then turned away.

"Harley, she'll die by being crushed if we don't move her, the building is collapsing, and we have to chance it. Look I know she means a lot to you, I know how much you care for her... I've known for a while Harley." Cat Woman rested a hand on her shoulder and Harley turned her head to the side. "I've seen it in your eyes Harley, how they light up when you read about her or watch her on old news videos. It's no secret, to me anyways." Harley then turned in shock with her mouth slightly open. "Don't worry; your secret is safe with me." Cat Woman smiled. "But by leaving her there, is no way of..." Just then the building creaked again and the ground shuddered.

Both Cat Woman and Harley looked up and had seen the top of the building topple. They both reached down, Harley looked at Cat Woman with concern in her eyes and clutched the wounded hero and pulled. Wonder Woman screamed loudly in pain as the three scurried across the street. Harley fell as the ground quaked pulling all three down, but quickly they got to their feet and they ran dragging the heroin. They ducked into the building holding the other fallen heroes.

"Hurry!" Harley shouted. "Get to the back."

Cat Woman turned her head, "Bane... What about Bane?" she thought and the ground juddered and all the remaining windows exploded inward as the building across the street came crashing down. Clouds of white dust and soot bombarded the building as the women dove for cover.


Superman/Batman  Doomsday Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now