chapter 6 |war|

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Udos POV

We walked to the war planning room and I sat with my friends and we listened to the higher ups.

"Tell me Reiner, what was paradise island like?" The commander asked.

"From the information we have from Zeke they are protected my three large walls about 50 meters high....but me and berthdolt and Annie were able to break through.... unfortunately the devil's have a lot of Intelligent people.... But we laid a massive attack on them from the inside but to find of them possess the attack Titan and founding Titan...."



Zeke chuckles and slams his fists into the table "my damn father.....he must have possessed the attack titan and went to paradise....and therefore had half brother...."

We all looked at Zeke and looked down.

"What's are plan then Reiner?" Gabi asked.

"Give them everything we got....that's our plan....if we all attacked them at once....they wouldn't have a chance but we must stop sending people to paradise....the scouts have finally wiped out the last titan there and now it can be our chance because they think they have destroyed the main enemy....they have no idea what we possess....but we have to worry about the scouts....they are an elite group of fighters who use ODM gear to maneuver around the sky and ground....if we have an open attack in a large area they are pretty much useless"

We all nod "anyone specific to worry about?"

Reiner nods "these people are people we should worry about.....Mikasa Ackerman....Eren jeager....Armin Arlert....hanji Zoe....Erwin Smith.... Sasha braus....Connie Springer....jean Kirstein....and finally....Levi Ackerman....."

We all nod "Levi....I don't know why but I recognize the name....same with hanji...." I shake my head removing the thoughts.

The commander sighs "tommorow I want all of you ready to go.... Because then we will launch our attack....everyone is dismissed"

"One last thing...." Reiner said.

He looks down "don't underestimate them....they took down the colossal Titan....and the female titan...."

Everyone nods and we leave the room....

Me and my friends start walking back home....

Gabi looks at me "don't worry Udo we will get Annie back"

I nod "I know...."

Falco sighs "you look more upset than usual....I get the whole Annie part but is there something else bothering you?"

I shake my head "don't worry about it...."

We arrived at my house and they all waved me bye as stared at the door....

It was time to tell father....about the news....

I walk in and he was reading the newspaper...

He looks at me and frowns "your late Udo...."

I nod "I know...I am sorry....but I have to tell you something"

He sets down his newspaper "what is it?"

"Annie.... didn't come home with the others....they said she got captured in paradise.... tommorow we are planning a attack to get her back but.....I'm afraid she is-"

"She is alive Udo" he said cutting me off....

My eyes widened "you think so?"

He nods "If anything I know about my daughter is that she never gives up without a fight.... I know she is alive and Tommorow you will be able to rescue her...."

I nod "I will try...."

He stands up "come on need to train before leaving tommorow"

I nod and follow him outside where we began working on some of our moves. He was different today....he pushed me passed my limits....

I don't know why but I had way more energy than was like I could keep training all night.....

We kept working until my body craved for rest.... I didn't want to rest body couldn't handle all of this....

"Go rest did good today"

I nod and walk inside heading to my room....

Once I got inside I laid down on my bed....all the energy I once had....was all gone.

My body began to ache....I sighed and looked at my drawer and pulled out the cravat....

" give me strength tommorow so I can save my sister....I may be young but....I'm not weak....please give the strength tommorow to fight....and protect me and my friends along the way...."

I sighed and kept the cravat close to me....there wasn't a day that went by when I dreamed of my parents....

I always wondered what they looked like....or how they acted like together....

I also wondered how different I would be if they were still here....

I still talk to them in my imagination....I'm glad I had this was the only thing I had that helped me think of them....

If I could I would do anything in the world just to have them back with me....

But now....I have a new family I have a older sister I need to rescue from the devil's....

I have something to keep fighting for....I may die tommorow but...Ill be able to reunite with my parents....

In the end it's a win win...I survive I save Annie...but if I die I'll join my parents....both options are great....

I sighed and looked at my ceiling.... tommorow I was going into war....I have been in war before with other enemies but this time....

It feels different...more dangerous and terrifying.....I know nothing about how the enemy will act but I do know that I have to fight....for my family and friends....

Tommorow is the day....

The day we reclaim what was once ours....

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