Chapter 19 |truth|

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Udos POV

I arrived back to my room where everybody was waiting patiently for me to come back....alive.

"So what happened!?"

"Are you ok?"

"What did you do this time?"

The kept asking questions and I just smiled "guys, guys it's ok....nothing bad happened I promise"

They nod "then what did happen?" Falco asked.

I look down and scratched my head "well....turns out Hanji and Levi are....possibly my real parents"

Everyone stayed silent and looked at me weirdly "what?" Gabi asked.

"Hanji took a dna test of us both to make sure but....the cravat I had....belongs to Levi, he gave it to his son before he disappeared....and the day they lost their son was the day my parents died....and I look a lot like them...."

Falco nods and smiles "when you really think about it, you really do look like them"

I rub my head "that's what hange said....or hopefully my mom said"

Gabi ponders "that explains a lot...."

I lift an eyebrow "what do you mean?"

She crosses her arms and sighs "it means that every time you beat me at something it was because you have that god damn Ackerman blood in're guaranteed to be stronger than all of us, hell look at Levi and mikasa!"

I laugh softly "yeah but I would only have half of what they have...."

Gabi shrugs "doesn't matter"

I sit on my bed "now that we have this figured are we going to stop this war?"

Everyone looks down Marley is bound to attack soon....I can't loose the friends I made here or watch more innocent people I can't risk loosing mom or Dad....

Falco sighs "what can we do?"

"The best thing we can do is prepare for an attack and hopefully avoid casualties...." Zofia says.

"Yeah Udo....there isn't much we can do besides wait....when they do attack what can we even do? How are we going to convince them that the people in paradise aren't devils?" Gabi explains.....she had a point.

I sigh "maybe we could come up with a resolution...."

Falco nods "perhaps"

"I think we shou-"


Gabi grabbed everyone and pulled us away from the window as a huge boulder came smashing through it nearly crushing us.

We began to cough and zofia yelled in pain as some of the boulder landed on her leg.

"Zofia!" Gabi yelled trying to lift the boulder up.

I wanted to see what caused this boulder to come our way but it was thing I saw was a yellow flash....I heard erens titan....why did he shift?


I snapped back to reality as I saw falco and gabi trying to lift the boulder up....

"I'm going to get help!"

I ran out into the hall as soldiers were running back and forth getting their gear on....what was going on....

"Someone please help!"

Everyone ignored me....

I kept yelling till I grabbed onto a soldier.

"Please! My friend she's-"

The soldier shoved me off "get off you filthy Marley brat"

The soldier took off and I just punched the ground in anger as everyone kept ignoring me....

I kept yelling for help but my throat grew dry....someone please help us.


I looked up to see dad running up to me....


He pulled me into a tight hug "are you alright?"

I nod then pointed to the room "Zofia...her leg is stuck under some of the boulder"

He nods and helps me up as we ran into the room.

"Captain please help us!" Falco said as Zofia continued to cry from all the pain.

"Alright, falco, Udo help me lift the boulder just enough to where gabi can pull Zofia out"

We nod "yes sir!"

We all grabbed one end of the boulder and dad counted us down.


We all started to lift the boulder up and it slowly lifted....once it was lifted enough gabi grabbed hold of Zofia and pulled her away from the boulder setting her leg free.

Zofia glanced at her leg and she began to panic but Dad quickly covered her eyes.

"Don't look at will make it worse if you think about it"

He looked around "I need a rag or some clothing to patch her up"

We nod and began to grab some of our clothes that was salvaged from the blast.

"Shit..." Dad Sighed I looked over and walked up to him.

"What's wrong"

Dad points to her leg and it was disfigured a little bit....I looked away and he sighs.

"It needs to be snapped back into place"

"What!?" Zofia yells...I look over and see gabi covering Zofias eyes for her.

Falco came back with some clothes and dad grabbed a rag twisting it up.

"Bite down on that"

Gabi put it in zofias mouth and dad sighed.

"Take deep breathes kid....this is going to hurt"

Levi grabbed the leg and I looked away before I heard a loud snap.

Zofia started screaming in the rag and I looked back to see the leg back in place.

Dad began to use the clothing to wrap her leg up and to stop the blood from coming out faster.

Once she was all wrapped up dad picked her up.

"Alright follow me"

We followed him and I heard Eren yelling outside the building.

We reached another room and I saw mom with moblit as she was getting her gear on.

"Levi what happened!"

Dad laid Zofia on a counter "she's hurt....badly, do you think you could give her some pain reliever"

Mom nods then looks at me and my friends "are you guys ok?"

We all nod and she sighs in relief before getting some pain killer for Zofia.

"Udo come with me..." dad says leaving the room.

I nod and falco and gabi tried to follow but dad stopped them.

" two need to stay here where it's safe"

"Ehhhh!? How come Udo is going then!" Gabi said annoyed.

Dad sighed "because he's's about Annie"

My eyes widened "w-what?"

Gabi and falco stayed quiet and nodded as me and dad ran out of the room heading to the top of the building.

"Dad, what happened to Annie!"

"You'll see...."

We reached the top and went eyes widened...

Annie was in her titan form fighting eren....he was loosing.....

"We need you to stop her...."

"What can I do?"

Dad grabbed my shoulder "I have a plan"

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