Chapter 26 |resolution|

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Levi's POV

We watched the soldiers walk up to us with their hands in the it really over?

Mikasa and the rest of my squad came back dragging the other titan shifters with them. Annie came down from her titan and looked at Reiner.

Moblit helped Hanji stand and Erwin stood in front of us looking at the soldiers.

"Looks like you have lost again"

The men glared at us "just kill us...." One of the soldiers said.

"I'm not going to do that" Erwin said calmly.

"Why would you keep us torture us? Huh?"

Erwin shook his head "I would like to work things out"

The men started laughing "like hell we would ever trust you guys!" Someone yelled as they continued to laugh....these men are some ignorant fools.

Erwin takes a deep breath "where is your commander?"

The men stayed quiet and Erwin asked again "I will repeat myself, where is your commander?"

A man walked up he stood up proud and his head was a little shaved down and he had chiseled facial hair.

"That would be me"

Erwin nods "my name is Erwin smith, I am the commander of the scout regiment and I am here to make a negotiation with you"

The man let's out a breath "my name is Theo Magath, I am the commander of the marleyan military, what negotiations are you thinking of?"

"A peaceful negotiation to end this war"

The man glares at Erwin "I think we both know there will be no end to this war until one side gives up....and it won't be Marley"

Udo ran up to him and I tried to stop him but I couldn't....

"Commander Magath at least consider it!" Udo said.

The commander looked at Udo "Udo!? You're alright!"

"Yes sir"

"That's good to here, and everyone else?"

Udo nods "everyone is ok, but please consider the negotiation"

He looked at Udo then at Erwin and sighed "perhaps I will hear what you have to say....Erwin smith"

Udo smiles and the other soldiers look at their commander surprised.

Good job kid....

There was a bang and I heard moblit yell "Hanji!" I immediately look back and see a man holding Hanji close pointing a gun at her head while moblit was on the ground clutching his arm that was bleeding....

"Stay back or I'll shoot her!" Hanji tried to break free but she couldn't from all her wounds.

"Seth! What are you doing!" The commander yelled.

The man had the gun right against Hanjis head....I felt my blood boil.

I immediately grabbed the commanders collar and pulled him close putting my sword to his neck.

"You kill her and I kill your commander"

"Levi!" I heard Erwin yell, but I didn't care.

"Mom!" Udo yelled going up to her.

"Stay back traitor! Or her head flies"

"it's ok Udo....just stay back" Hanji said calmly.

"Udo she's your mother?" The commander asked.

I put the blade closer to his neck "you're damn right....I'll let you guess the father"

His eyes widened and he looked at the soldier "Seth don't do this..."

The soldier glares at us "you're a traitor commander...."

"Put the gun down...." I glared him down.

"Go a head and kill him....I don't care....she's going to die either way" he was about to pull the trigger when there was another bang.

The soldier stumbled back before collapsing on the ground I dropped the commander and ran to help Hanji stand before she fell.

I looked at the soldier and saw a bullet in the man's head.... We slowly turn around and saw gabi holding a gun.

Her eyes widened and she dropped the gun falling to the ground "I...I just killed someone" falco went over and comforted her as everyone stayed quiet.

"Did she just kill one of us....for a devil?" a soldier said.

Udo walked up to the commander "you trust us right? gabi, falco, Zofia and Annie...."

The commander sighed "I always did"

"Then trust us now....please sir"

He sighs again "ok Erwin smith, we will follow you into your home, and there we will discuss this situation"

Erwin nodded and we began to walk back to the wall.

An emergency wagon came for all the wounded soldiers, I helped moblit unto the wagon thanking him for protecting Hanji.

I helped Hanji stand until we found a horse nearby where I helped her get on, she sat behind me and hugged me tightly resting her head on my shoulder.

"How's your shoulder..."

"I popped it back into place earlier so it's doing a little better....try to relax you're more injured than me"

She laughs softly and pecks my cheek "how long do you think it will take to finally find a resolution?"

I sigh "possibly years Hanji....war takes forever to end....we should both know that after defeating all the titans"

She nods and hugs me tighter "I will be looking forward to that day...."

I gently place my hand over hers "me too Hanji....maybe then we can finally have peace...."

She adjusts herself on my shoulder and I soon hear soft snores from her....I smile to myself, maybe when the war settles down more, we can expand our family....the first 12 years of udos childhood was taken from us....I think it would make Hanji happy to hold another baby in her where she will continue to hold them in her arms until they grow old....we lost Udo once and I swear to myself I will never loose Udo again....for Hanji I will make her happy and keep her happy until death does us apart.

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