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I speed-walked to the studio being cautious of everything around me. I was looking around a bit to see if I saw anyone familiar, nobody caught my eye so I headed inside.

I look to my left and there he was. The man with gorgeous brown hair, sparkling blue eyes- wait did I just call him gorgeous?
never mind.

He was talking to one of the directors Joe Russo.

I quickly headed straight to my dressing room until I heard a familiar voice call me.

"Lizzie!" Joe says calling me over.

"DAMN IT!" I whisper to myself in full regret wishing I was quicker.

I tried to avoid eye-contact but when I looked up my emerald green eyes and his diamond blue eyes met.

I stared at him awkwardly for a second then landed focus on Joe.

Sebastian kind of just stood there not knowing what to say.

"Well, this is you know, Sebastian. He's apart of the cast." Joe says.

"Oh, yeah." I say monitoring his every move hoping to get an answer.

Maybe he didn't even see it. Yeah, that's probably it.

"Uh, I'm gonna go catch up with Mackie. I'll be right back."

He quickly jogged over to where Mackie was enjoying some ice coffee.

Did I scare him away? Does he think I'm weird?

"Okay, we're going to start shooting in 30 minutes go get dressed" Joe says.

I quickly nod and head over to my dressing room.

I hope I didn't scare him away. What if he did read the article?

I started to get dressed as I attempted to push all the negative thoughts away from me. But of course, being the full-of-anxiety introvert I am, that didn't seem to work.



I quickly ran to Mackie not knowing what to do.

I don't think he's drinking coffee in this photo but this is all I have so 👌

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I don't think he's drinking coffee in this photo but this is all I have so 👌

"Hey" he says taking a sip of his what seems to be ice-cold cup of coffee.

"Want some coffee?" He asks.

"No it's fine-"

"I just need to talk to you about something." I say.

AN OLSTAN FANFICTION | Ruin My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now