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Cole: So, let me get this straight. You're always there for your friends, right?
Jenny: Oh, 100%.
Atlas: If any of them ever had a problem, they could always come to you?
Jenny: Always.
Kira: And you'll offer advice or just listen, if that's what they need?
Jenny: Sometimes people just need to let their feelings out. No judgement, of course, obviously.
Ezra: Does the time of day matter?
Jenny: No.
Alex: Someone could facetime you at 3am and you'd be there for them?
Jenny: Sleep can wait, my friend needs me.
Zane: And if they live an hour away?
Jenny: Steal Lloyd's car, will travel.
Zane: Wow, that is truly remarkable. Now what do you do when you're having a hard time?
Jenny: Self isolation.
Jay: What?
Jenny: Lock myself in my room and shove everything so far down that no one will ever know it was there. Why would anyone wanna hear MY feelings?
Nya: Maybe they-
Jenny: I would never wanna burden another soul with the woes of my own, they have enough of their own problems to deal with. Why would I wanna add to it?
Lloyd: But you just said that you-
Jenny: No one is allowed to see me have a mental breakdown, even though several people have already seen me have a mental breakdown.
Kai: Are you okay?
Jenny: *sips juice dramatically* ....yeah. Why?

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