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Taehyung knew Umbra was different from Tenebris, but he didn't think the neighboring kingdoms could be this different.

Compared to Tenebran merchants, Umbrans were as ruthless as the winter storm still raging beyond the magic barrier. Even before Taehyung had revealed the fake coins, all the merchants he approached took one good look at him and told him, in kind words, to scram.

Two claimed he was a terrible liar. Taehyung highly doubted that, considering how he had kept his secrets from Elyagon for as long as he had, but Jimin had made his leave to explore a different area of the markets a while ago. That left Taehyung with only Two's advice.

Even though he felt half-unconscious and about to faint, he listened to her full-heartedly. She told him to act normal instead of hiding the coins like he had something to be ashamed of and to carry himself more pitifully. She even suggested pulling what Jin did to Jimin the night before, but Taehyung didn't hesitate to scream a panicked "No!" even if it risked drawing attention, even if it made his stomach churn and his head ring. And it did, but Two's laughter quickly cleared all suspicion. His stomach and head, however, were not so lucky.

At first, Taehyung didn't understand why Jungkook enjoyed Two's company, but after spending some time with the assassin, he realized she was. . . not as horrible as they made her out to be. It wasn't that much better, but at least it was something. Though, when Two parted ways to search for Nero, Taehyung didn't miss her. In fact, he was more relieved that she had departed, especially since every step brought him closer to collapse. And he didn't need Two of all people to witness that.

Even in the wake of Two's absence, her advice remained, and Taehyung, despite his condition, followed them as if they were the laws of Caelum. They seemed to work better, marginally. He could tell something had changed when he shrunk into his cloak, lowered his head, and stared at the merchants with watery eyes deceivingly on the verge of tears. Once, he even made it as far as to haggle before learning the merchant was trying to swindle him of his money. On second thought, perhaps that merchant allowed Taehyung to get to that stage because he wanted his money. Gods, how he missed his home. And those youthful eyes following his every step did nothing to relieve his desire or the fever clouding his head.

But he needed to buy supplies, couldn't become a hindrance, so he continued deeper into the markets.

There were all sorts of items to choose from, but no one was willing to sell them. The treatment and those eyes staring at Taehyung from his periphery only added to the mounting delirium that had plagued him since he left the inn.

Heat swallowed him as if he was trapped in the moist cavern of a viper's mouth, and the cold breeze gliding over his glistening skin did nothing to relieve him of it. His fingers twitched uncontrollably, and his breath hitched in his throat. Suddenly, he broke away from a conversation with a merchant he was close to striking a deal with. Perspiration doused his back. That fever festered within him, making his senses more aware of how many people were around him.

Ignoring the questions the merchant was shouting at him, he pushed through the crowds to little avail. There were so many people, and that alone grated on his nerves for some reason. Perhaps Two's departure shouldn't have filled him with so much relief.

He was tired, and though his linen tunic barely grazed his skin, it felt like it was weighing him down. And the manacles. He swore they were dragging him closer and closer to the ground, making him half his height. Darkness muddled his vision, but he couldn't tell if it was from his element or exhaustion.

Those youthful eyes followed him as he dragged himself to a random stand and draped himself against it for support. Once in a while, he would snap his head towards those eyes, but they would disappear far too quickly to face them.

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