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Two was sitting on the edge of her bed, waiting for Jungkook to return from the council of war. He had left at early dawn, and dusk was now rising outside her window, swallowing Hiemura under the dark clouds shadowing the city.

She was ready to leave. All her belongings were packed in two bags, and the remains of the food the Umbrans offered her were placed on a side table. Her wounds from the fight with Lucius were healed for the most part, but her elements were dormant. After experiencing this issue so many times, she was accustomed to fending for herself without them, anyway. So it didn't bring much concern.

In a few days, she would arrive at Medeia and search for Nero. He could help her settle into an ordinary life away from the Lotus. And when the day came for her to leave, she could journey to the northernmost kingdoms, most preferably Sapientia. She had always wondered about the endless stretch of sand in the Petra Desert, and reading about studies about Rem piqued her interests.

But before she lost herself in her plans for the future, she needed to leave Hiemura—needed Jungkook to return and free her from the damn blood contract. Once that cursed seal was broken, she swore she would do whatever it took to never have to experience it again.

The sun was nearly set, and her patience was growing thin. If she was not at risk of being recognized, she would have stormed the halls herself and dragged Jungkook out of the council of war. Moments later, a loud bang came from her door. Instead of knuckles rapping on wood, it sounded like a body rammed against it. In her bewilderment, Two made no movement to let the person in.

Soon, Jungkook yanked the door open and peeked up and down the halls before slamming the door shut, his back leaning on it for good measure. He was panting, his eyes trembling, and the fear emanating from him was only amplified when his brown eyes met Two.

"Greetings," he said.

Not in the mood to deal with why Jungkook was acting the way he was, she skipped the pleasantries and cut straight to the point. "It is time for me to leave."

A pained expression crossed Jungkook's face as he frowned. "About that. . . We have a slight problem."

It was now her turn to frown. Two scanned Jungkook for blood but didn't find a single hint. "What problem exactly?"

Lowering his head, Jungkook cringed into himself. "I need your help."

Every ounce of worry Two had faded into apathy. This was not happening again.

"No." She slung her bags over her shoulders and ignored Jungkook as she prepared to leave. "I am not accepting any more of your propositions."

Jungkook blocked her way, extending both of his arms, but when Two raised a brow, he immediately tucked his hands at his sides. "I need you to attend the council of war tomorrow."

Now that made her pause. "What!?"

Shuffling on his feet, Jungkook began explaining at a rapid pace. "I told them that you could help lead us to Infernum and that you had connections and that you could—"

Two covered his mouth with the palm of her hand. "Tell me everything from the beginning."

It didn't take long for Jungkook to frantically explain what had happened, and once his rambling was over, Two's face was in her hands, muffling her groans. Jungkook was in a chair stationed across from her. Two sat on her bed, losing all hope for him.

"So, you want me to lead you to Infernum? To fight your war?" It was a miracle that she didn't punch Jungkook when he nonchalantly nodded. Two shook her head. "Then you are a madman. Congratulations on your promotion from blundering Princeling to insane maniac." Rolling up her sleeve, Two raised her arm. "I'm leaving Hiemura, so now it's time for you to fulfill your end of the contract."

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