Ninja Academy

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You woke up and realized, today was the first day of ninja academy! "Yes! Finally, my dream is coming true!" You got up from bed, changed to your ninja cloths, and ate breakfast. (Ninja cloths are the picture above. If you don't like it, you can change it.) You quickly headed out the door and down the street. You then bumped into a beautiful blonde haired-blue eyed girl, that was about your age. You knew who it was: Ino. You didn't want her to know that you knew who she was, so you just acted normal. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't look where I was going." She just laughed while saying it was ok. "So where are you going?" She asked. "Well, it's my first day as a ninja!" You said. "That means we're going to the same place!" She said excitedly. "Oh, that's great! But, I'm kinda in a rush. I need our teachers to get to know me." You said sadly. She nodded her head and said it was ok. You both waved your goodbye's and left.

You started walking down the streets again, and this time you bumped into the worst person you could imagine: Sakura. That useless pink haired-green eyed girl just annoyed you like heck! "Oh, sorry..." you mumbled. She got annoyed for NO REASON and started being mean to you. "Watch where you're going!" She yelled. "I said sorry!" You yelled back. You just rolled your eyes and kept on going. You didn't want to be late.

You finally arrived to the ninja academy, and you went straight to the first teacher you saw, which happened to be Iruka-sensei. "Hi! Um... I'm new here, but I don't know which classroom I'm in." you said. "Well, hello there! You must be (Y/N)" he said excitedly. You nodded your head and he told you that you were in his class. You were excited beyond belief, since you would be with Naruto and Ino! But, then you got annoyed since you would also be with Sakura. That useless girl. You hated her. You sat down on the seat where you knew Naruto would be sitting, and waited for the rest of the kids to come in.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating in a while, I've had some things happen. Like always. I'm fine now though! Kinda-

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