• FOUR •

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DAHYUN'S nose scrunched up and an irritated moan automatically escaped her throat as the heated ray of sunlight hits her face and struck her closed eyes. She hadn't got a good sleep and she's still savoring her moment with her bed. She had spent most hours of her night staying awake, afraid that if she falls asleep, there'll be no "next day" to happen next.

When Dahyun arrived home last night, she immediately searched for her parents and gave them a very precious, full of longing and gratefulness kind of embrace. For a brief moment, Mr. and Mrs. Kim were shocked. Indeed, Dahyun always hug them once she gets home but those hugs were just plain and short - more like a thing she only does half-heartedly or just out of habit. However, her last night's hug was full of different emotions which they didn't mind pointing out at all, knowing that the youngest Kim gets so weird and bipolar sometimes. When the three members of Kim finished their dinner, Dahyun immediately bade her parents good night and rushed to her study room to work with her assignments with full dedication while still humming the tone of her composed hymn. When sleepiness finally got into her senses, she went to her room to clean herself and change. She had forgotten how her room looked like just until she finally entered inside it. Her old room looks like the typical teenage-maiden rooms; hers was full of banners and merches of different idol groups she stan as well as some books and movie collections of her favorite foreign series. Once she had done savoring the teenage vibe of her room, she immediately headed to her bathroom to prepare herself for bed. However, when she's finally ready to drift to slumber, a realization struck her. Afraid that she might not wake up again on that certain part of her life, she immediately pulled herself out of bed and began searching for something on her fully-locked corkboard; to not fall asleep and to find answers to her unanswered questions. A smile immediately crept unto her lips when she had finally found her diary.

Jennie had once made fun of her for still using a diary to keep her memories rather than using social media or other modern ways to vent her emotions and store her unspoken thoughts and memories, but, Dahyun insisted that doing it in an old-fashioned way is better as she want to keep her memories personal and long-lasting. So that - according to her - she could laugh and cringe at it when she had found it accidentally in the future as well.

As Dahyun jovially rummaged through the pages of her journal, a certain name caught her attention which immediately turned her smile into a frown and fused a pang inside her chest. It took her several minutes of stifling her weeps and sniffling until she finally felt okay to proceed on what she was doing. Truth be told, Taehyung had always been the central topic of Dahyun's daily journal since the day she met him, and digging deeper to those plans, expectations, and memories just proved that she still hadn't gotten over him. However, with her positive thoughts and strong will to move forward, she proceeded on flipping her diary until she had finally arrived at her purpose. As she read her latest daily journal, a flood of familiarity came to her senses. She had finally remembered the reason behind the "big quarrel" that Jungkook had told her earlier that day. Complying to her teenage habit of writing journal in a daily manner, she began to scribble what happened to her, including the miracle or whatever incident that occurred to her. It took her half an hour to finally finish her four-page journal for the day.

Still and all, the bigger question was still left unanswered to her. But, she didn't bother to dig more as she realized that she'll probably get her answer the next day, if there's still a "next day" that she'll be able to wake into.

Dahyun felt the side of her bed sagged, indicating that someone just occupied the space near her. Out of instinct, she took the pillow beside her and covered it to her face, conscious of what her morning face looks like. She was about to shift her body opposite to where she knows someone just sat at, when that someone took her pillow forcefully.

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