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SEOKJIN'S sleek black car came to a stop at the grand entrance of the opulent banquet hall. A parking valet, poised and attentive, swiftly made his way to Seokjin's car and opened the door for them. They greeted one another politely before Seokjin gave his car's key to him.

The siblings' attires were meticulously chosen for the occasion. Dahyun's red embellished dress caught the light, its crystals shimmering as she moved with grace and poise. Sensing a chill in the air, she draped a black fur shawl over her shoulders, which she borrowed from her sister - Jennie - via call.

Seokjin, meanwhile, exuded understated elegance in his tailored suit.

As they strolled towards the entrance, Seokjin guided Dahyun with a reassuring hand on her back, his touch a silent reassurance amidst the aura of affluence surrounding them. Dahyun's steps were measured, her heels clicking softly against the polished marble floor.

As they reached the towering doors, Seokjin held one open for Dahyun. Inside, the air was alive with the soft murmur of conversation. Dahyun's eyes widened in awe as she took in the breathtaking splendor of the banquet hall, the grandeur of its architecture illuminated by the soft glow of countless chandeliers.

Their arrival did not go unnoticed; heads turned and whispers fluttered through the crowd. Dahyun's cheeks flushed as she felt the weight of their gaze upon her. Seokjin offered her a gentle smile and an arm to which she clung elegantly. With a subtle nod, he silently conveyed his belief in her ability to navigate this unfamiliar terrain.

"You seem to fit right in, Hyun-ie. If I didn't know you, I'd mistake you for a chaebol yourself," Seokjin praised, a hint of admiration in his voice as he observed his sister's effortless elegance.

Dahyun chuckled softly at her brother's compliment, a warm smile gracing her lips as she acknowledged his words.

Inside the banquet hall, the atmosphere was alive with the sound of laughter and the melodious clink of crystal glasses. Guests moved with practiced grace, their refined mannerisms a reflection of their esteemed status. Dahyun and Seokjin exchanged awestruck glances as they made their way through the opulent crowd.

Amidst the celebration of Mr. Song's (the esteemed Chairman of a renowned manufacturing company) 60th birthday, a gathering of business-minded individuals seized this opportunity to network and discuss potential partnerships. With each exchange of business cards and animated discussion, the banquet hall transformed into a hub of entrepreneurial fervor.

"Let's find Mr. Song and extend our birthday wishes," Seokjin suggested to his sister, their movements graceful as they effortlessly blended into the crowd.

It took them a while to locate Mr. Song amidst the throng of affluent guests, his presence commanding attention as he conversed with other distinguished individuals. As Seokjin approached, Mr. Song's expression brightened with recognition, and he welcomed him with a brief but warm embrace followed by a firm handshake.

"I almost think that you're not gonna come," Mr. Song remarked with a playful grin, his tone laced with appreciation.

Seokjin responded with a courteous smile, his words dripping with politeness and genuine warmth. "How could I decline an invitation from the esteemed Chairman Song himself, sir?"

Mr. Song chuckled appreciatively at Seokjin's response before his gaze shifted to Dahyun, his curiosity piqued by her presence. "And who might this elegant lady be?" he inquired, his tone respectful yet inquisitive.

Dahyun, her posture poised and demeanor composed, introduced herself with polite grace. "I'm Kim Dahyun, sir," she replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness.

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