• NINE •

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THE JEON'S house came into view after Jungkook took a turn on an ample lighted street of the residence. His car slithered down the sloped road until he stepped on the brake in front of the house -- which stood recognizable in the neighborhood because of its unique exterior architectural design.

Jungkook honked the horn and patiently waited for their wooden garage door to roll up. When it did, he steered the wheel and carefully parked his car beside another black car -- which Dahyun recognized to be owned by the Jeons. The wall and the ceiling of the Jeon's garage area was uniquely designed with geometric shapes and angles, and it was well-lit with yellow lights attached on the walls. Just by the look of the garage itself, one could tell how much money the Jeons had spent to get their house built as genuine as it looks like.

Currently, Dahyun unbuckled her seatbelt and attempted to open the door by herself, but Jungkook stopped her and told her to let him do it. Due to that, Dahyun teased him of how fake he was acting tonight, and she laughed at his funny retort before he slipped out of the car and gentlemanly opened the door for her. Jungkook offered his hand, and the lady majestically accepted it -- as if she was a royal getting out of the car with Jungkook as her usher. The two, then, climbed up the stairway, and a warm lighted backyard welcomed them. The spacious yard of the Jeon's was picturesque and nature friendly; there were rock cairns, plants, few young pine trees, and a shallow ground aquarium for fishes. Regardless of how many times Dahyun had been there before, she was still in awe at the breathtaking view of the Jeon's picturesque elevated backyard, especially at night where the trees were lit with yellow hanging bulbs.

Jungkook lead the way for Dahyun and he punched in the passcode to unlock the main entrance to their home. Shortly, a click was heard -- indicating that the door's finally unlocked.

Jungkook turned the knob and pushed the door open. "Ladies first," he spoke and gestured his hand, commanding her to head inside before him. With a grin, Dahyun entered first; she took off her shoes and properly put it on the shoe rack. There was no one in their living room, but they could hear a classical music playing from upstairs. Jungkook then remarked that the others might be at the kitchen, or probably, at their individual rooms. "Hey, the floor's definitely cold, you should wear this," the lad offered after he laid the fluffy pair of close slippers in front of her. She still remembers them. Those were the slippers that Jungkook bought for her during their high school ball, after she had a blister from her tight heels. She returned it to him the day after their ball, and she was shocked that it was still kept by him.

The two had a small talk about the slippers, and Dahyun found out that Jungkook hid it in their storage room at their garage. He had forgotten where he put them before, and just found them a month ago. Since then, he kept them in their shoe rack so that Dahyun will have something to use, in case she pays a visit at their home.

"Anyway, you may sit on the couch while I change my clothes. I guess Mom knew that we had arrived, and I suppose that she'll be down here soon."

"What? But it's kind of creepy here. You can't tell me there isn't any entity here, given that you weren't here most of the time," Dahyun argued with a sullen face. She's too coward to be left alone in the Jeon's living room, let alone, oversee the large trees at the foot of the mountain -- that were visible from the glass wall on the west.

Jungkook had thought of something naughty, and it was clear on the smirk that appeared on his face. "On a second thought, why don't you just go with me inside my room," he paused and his smirk grew into a flirtatious one, "while I strip and change my clothes?" His brows teasingly jerked as he continued his statement.

Dahyun faked a grimace at her friend's inept suggestion. She knew him too much to even take his words seriously, but somehow, she kind of imagine herself in a room with him -- just watching him change his clothes.

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